Chapter 32

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The thing that stirred Chase from his sleep was the welcoming smell of bacon. He smiled as he stretched out. His arm hit, rather than Skye's sleeping form, the mattress. Chase's eyes shot open as he looked to his side and saw that his girlfriend was nowhere in sight.

"Skye?" He groaned as he sat up. He soon regretted his move as he held his head. "Ugh my head."

Nevertheless he stood up and walked out of Skye's room and down the stairs to the main kitchen rather than the one in the den. As his bare feet hit the laminate floor, he looked to the stove where stood there in her grey pyjama shorts and a vest top, was Skye.

Chase stared in amazement as the blonde who was perky and singing to herself cooking a full breakfast for everyone. She turned around to grab something from a cupboard and noticed the brunette staring.

"Morning babe." She walked over and pecked him on the cheek.

"M-morning." Chase continued to watch the girl as she made herself busy, her high ponytail moving as she paced.

"You, um, got a headache or anything?" Chase asked.

"Nope. Feeling fresh as a daisy." Skye smiled.

There was a thud from Rocky's room followed by two sets of heavy footsteps as the two boys came downstairs and joined Chase and Skye in the kitchen, the pair of them sitting at the table.

"Morning you two." Skye chirped.

"How are you so perky?" Rocky groaned, clutching his head. Zuma had closed his eyes and was leaning on the table to try and banish his headache.

"Here." Skye gave them each a strong coffee.

"Breakfast is nearly done." The boys all looked at each other absolutely astounded by Skye's reaction to a hangover.

After a little while, Marshall, Everest, Tracker and Sweetie emerged from their sleeping arrangements, complete with their hangovers and joined the group in the kitchen. They all sat down and ate breakfast together.

Everyone looked at Skye as if she were mad except for Everest. Before long, Marshall couldn't stand it.

"How are you fine? You were wasted last night!"

"What do you mean?" Skye tilted her head.

"What do you mean?! Skye do you remember how much vodka you had?" Rocky looked at his sister.

"Yeah dudette. Aftew the WKD you were knocking that back like no tomowwo."

"Well the funny thing is," Skye smirked, getting a glass from the cupboard and walking to the sink. "You know people have this theory that the clearer the alcohol the stronger it is?"

"Yeah and the shit you were knocking back was clear as day!" Marshall yelled.

"Well after the WKD I did knock back a lot. But do you know what else is clear?" She smiled, talking a sip from her now full glass.

It took a few seconds but the penny soon dropped.

"You tricked us?!" The group yelled. Skye and Everest laughed as they recalled how Skye had been last night.

"You'we a good actwess I'll give you that." Zuma said impressed.

"Well with Chase as a boyfriend she's used to faking by now." Marshall said with a straight face.

"Hey!" Chase threw a piece of toast at his now giggling best friend.

"On that note," Sweetie smiled, taking her empty plate and loading it into the dishwasher. "Girl chat?"

Everest and Skye nodded, eagerly following her out into the den.

"Wait up I'm not being left with them just 'cause I'm a boy too!" Rocky called, shoving the last of his bacon in his mouth and following his sister and their friends.

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