The paw Patrol reimagined as humans in high school. Each one facing their own emotional and physical problems not to mention the bullies. By meeting and befriending each other one by one, will they overcome their struggles?
This story won't be updat...
"So apparently I've been bullying Ashlynne online. I don't remember sending the messages. I-I would never dream of it but they're there!" Skye cried as she showed Everest her phone.
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(Imagine they're on instagram and from Skye's account 😂)
"There's plenty more too." She sniffed as Everest scrolled through.
"Surely principal Ryder knows you'd never do anything like this?"
"That's what he said but the evidence is there. I know I didn't send them." Everest thought hard. Savannah wriggled her way across the bed towards Skye who was weeping still and climbed on her lap, patting her face comfortingly. The blonde supported the baby and giggled as she did so. Everest snapped her fingers.
"I know!" She gasped, jumping to Skye's desk and opening her laptop up.
"Huh?" Skye asked.
"What time were the messages sent?"
"Um... about four thirty pm. What does that have to do with this?" Skye returned after checking her phone.
Everest smiled victoriously. "At four thirty, this happened." Everest showed the blonde the screen. There was the group filming their live Q&A. At precisely the moment the clock turned to 4:30, Skye held her phone up to the screen, showing the comments that contained the questions, proving that she didn't send the messages. Skye laughed in disbelief.
"Of course! I can prove my innocence. But who did send the messages?"
The boys were walking back home from school together after the day was finished. Tracker and Sweetie peeled of and went to Tracker's house and Rubble to his. This left Marshall, Chase, Rocky and Zuma heading back to Skye's.
"I still can't get my head around it." Chase muttered, hands in his pockets. "Skye would never do that. Someone must have hacked her account." He looked across to Marshall.
"I know." The black haired boy replied. "But we can't find out who."
"It has to be someone out to get Skye." Zuma looked over his shoulder to the pair. "But I can't think of anyone. I mean, most people like ow at least wespect us now."
"I know it's weird." Rocky sighed as he intertwined his fingers with Zuma's. The four walked through the park and heard a familiar voice. They looked to see Ashlynne and Brianna stood by a tree, talking.
"Shh!" Rocky caught the other's attention and they all listened in.
"I can't believe I got away with that!"
"I know Ash. Principal Ryder sure is dim."
"They wanna try and overthrow the queen, then they have another thing coming. One down, eight to go."
The boys looked at each other in complete disbelief.
"That bitch." They whispered.
"We've gotta tell Skye." Rocky said, pulling his boyfriend in the direction of his house.
All four ran through the door and up to Skye's room.
"Skye! We know who sent those messages!" Marshall almost yelled.
"It was Ashlynne." The four began to explain what they'd overheard and Skye smiled as she thought of what to do. She looked at her emails and saw one that gave her a great idea.
"Babe are you listening to a word we're saying?" Chase asked.
"Yeah but I've just had an idea." She showed them the screen.
"Prefects?" Rocky asked. Skye nodded happily.
"We run for prefects at school for the next academic year. It's a student vote and hence basically a popularity contest. We win and she'll have to accept we've not been affected by her and in fact we've bettered ourselves, taking her metaphorical crown in the process."
"I guess it could work." Everest smiled. "I mean we've all overcome huge things in our lives and her bullying was just one of those obstacles." The boys looked at each other as they thought. After a few minutes of silence, they spoke.