Okay confession time: a lot of this chapter was inspired by a Big Bang theory episode. It just fit so well in my mind and I couldn't resist!
All the boys were sat in the den talking and listening to music.
"So Tracker, hows things with Sweetie?" Marshall teased. The two newer members of the group had agreed to 'give it a go' as a couple.
"Muy divertido." The Spanish boy rolled his eyes.
(Very funny.)"Actually it's ok. We had a movie night the other night, just us two. It was nice." Tracker went off into a daydream.
"What did you watch?" Chase raised an eyebrow.
"Ooh." Marshall and Chase exchanged a look. They knew that it was a tough film to get through. Not because the girls got emotional, which they did, but the boys themselves were just as bad.
"Oh I remember seeing on Sweetie's snapchat a picture of you trying not to cry." Rocky recalled.
"Leave him be." Zuma rolled his eyes at Chase and Marshall. Suddenly, a smirking Skye and Everest bounded into the room, Skye holding her laptop.
"Congratulations Tracker." Everest began.
"Um...on what?"
"You're Facebook status:" Skye resumed, reading from her screen. "Tracker Cortez is in a relationship."
The room went silent. Thank goodness that Sweetie wasn't there to feel the tension. Rubble suddenly looked very worried but remained silent.
"What?" Tracker walked over to the girls and looked at the screen. "No this can't be right."
"You switched your status before she did? Don't mean to sound rude but way to look needy." Chase glanced up.
"I mean after only two weeks? That's...bold." Marshall said nervously.
"It's not bold it's a mistake."
"Well if you didn't change youw status who did?"
Tracker thought then he rolled his eyes and looked straight at Rubble.
"What?" The blonde boy fiddled with his fingers. "He cried in front of her."
"Ugh! You hacked my Facebook account?"
"It's hardly hacking when you use the same password for everything."
"You are so immature! You've destroyed this relationship! And the worst part is you don't even understand what you did wrong because you can't conceive of something that you are not an expert in!"
There was a tense silence until Everest looked at the laptop again.
"Ooh." She squeaked, then fell silent again.
"What's wrong Lassie? Timmy fall down the well?" Skye said
sarcastically. Everest pointed to the screen, making Skye look.
"Oh my god.""What?" The boys leaned closer.
"She just updated her status. Sweetie McNally is in a relationship with Tracker Cortez..."
Tracker looked up and examined the laptop screen.
"Well would you look at that." He laughed nervously. "I have a girlfriend."
"You're welcome!" Rubble yelled from his beanbag.
"I'm still mad!" Tracker returned.
At that moment, the door opened again, this time revealing the white haired girl who didn't speak but ran at her boyfriend and jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around him and snogging the life our of him.Tracker's eyes widened in shock but after a few seconds, the two were testing how long they could go without breathing.
"Steady the buffs!" Rubble cringed.
"Jealous much?" Tracker asked, pulling away.
"New music video idea to change the subject!" Skye clapped her hands after setting her laptop down.
"What?" Marshall tilted his head.
"It's a girls one - U and ur hand by P!nk.""Yeah!" Sweetie and Everest cheered.
"Let's get planning." The girls walked into the kitchen area and left the boys alone.
"Oh boy."

From underdogs to top dogs
FanfictionThe paw Patrol reimagined as humans in high school. Each one facing their own emotional and physical problems not to mention the bullies. By meeting and befriending each other one by one, will they overcome their struggles? This story won't be updat...