Chapter 44

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"Come on you have to tell me!" Skye begged.

"No." Everest smirked at her excited friend and resting a hand on her bump. "You'll just have to wait like the others."

"But I wanna knoooww!" She whined, dramatically flopping back on her bed. Everest and Marshall had not yet told the group what the gender of their baby was. At the present moment, Marshall and his father were painting the walls of the nursery to show their friends later so Everest was hanging out with Skye, Sweetie and Rocky.

"Skye it doesn't matter what it is, all that matters is that it's healthy." Rocky rolled his eyes. Skye stuck her tongue out in response.

"You can tell which of us is top of our childcare class." Sweetie laughed.

"Anyway are you guys gonna go to the dance?" Everest asked. She knew her friends had been hesitant about the event because she herself wouldn't be going as, now five months into her pregnancy, she decided to stay at home and study there, focusing on her health as well as the baby.

"Yeah we decided we will."

"Marsh said he wanted to stay with you." Rocky smiled.

"We'll tell you what it is when you get back, come to Marshall's house." Everest smirked.

"Who do you think is gonna get the king and queen of the dance?" Sweetie asked excitedly.

"Chase and Skye!" Everest clapped her hands.

"Nah. We won't. It'll be one of the populars." Skye scrunched up her nose. "What stunt do you think they'll pull this time?"

"I dunno. Anything to piss us off." Sweetie laughed.

"Am I the only one who would get annoyed if Zuma had to dance with someone else? Or would you guys be like that with your boyfriends?" Rocky asked.

"Kinda. But I know that it would really bug you because Zuma wouldn't normally do that even if it's tradition or polite."

"Why do you ask?"

"Might be one of the things the brats do at the dance." The grey haired boy shrugged.

"Oh well. Hey did I mention I get to announce who it is?" Skye clapped her hands excitedly. "Tonight is gonna be amazing."

"Best start getting ready."

"Girls hurry up!" Chase called impatiently from the bottom of the stairs. Rubble, Tracker, Zuma, Rocky and himself were all ready and looked great; smart yet casual in jeans (as this wasn't exactly prom or anything) and shirts in their favourite colours.

"Give us one minute!" Skye called back.

"They've been saying that for the past half hour." Rubble whined.

"Ready?" Sweetie asked.


The girls stood at the top of the stairs and watched their boyfriend's faces drop in amazement. Like the others with their shirts, they were wearing dresses in their favourite colours.



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"Worth the wait?" Skye smirked

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"Worth the wait?" Skye smirked.

"D-d-d-definitely." Chase stammered.

"Track?" Sweetie noticed her boyfriend's state and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Santa mierda te ves impresionante! Por qué diablos estás conmigo cuando puedes sacar a alguien?!"
(holy crap you look stunning! why the hell are you with me when in that you can pull anyone?!)

"English please." The white haired girl giggled. "I know I love your accent and all but I can't always understand you."

"You look beautiful Sweets." He kissed her cheek.

"Aw. Thanks ma wee Track." He blushed as the others sniggered a little.

"Come on." Skye smiled, "let's show these people we know how to have a good time."

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