"Guys!" Skye screamed from the computer.
"What's wrong?"
"Who died?" The rest of the group rushed over to where Skye was sat, next to the recording booth in their den.
"Well one: our prefect applications were accepted along with a few others - Ashlynne included. And two: we've been invited onto the news to talk about our channel!"
"Shut the f-" Marshall started, earning a glare from Everest who was holding Savannah.
"Front door." He finished cautiously, making the others laugh.
"Wanna do it?" Skye asked.
"Hell yeah!" Came the response.
Skye replied to the email happily and told her friends that the email had said it was a relatively informal thing."Ashlynne is gonna flip!" Chase laughed.
"Of course she is." Rocky nodded.
"So worth it." Everest smiled.
A few weeks later, Marshall was waiting outside Skye's house in his car with Everest in the passenger seat and Rubble in the back. Everest was watching out the window, chewing her nails anxiously.
Marshall looked to his left and saw his girlfriend's actions. He gently rest his hand on her knee.
"Ev love, she'll be fine. She's having the time of her life back home with mum." He smiled reassuringly.
"I know but, it's just the first time being away from her." Marshall leaned over and kissed his girlfriend softly, making her smile.
"You always know how to cheer me up." She murmured against his lips.
"You think that's good, wait till tonight." Marshall whispered. Everest bit her lip and giggled.
"Guys! I'm right here!" Rubble cringed, making the couple laugh. Skye opened the door and hopped in with her bag.
"Hey. What I miss?" She smiled.
"Nothin' just these two getting it on." Rubble joked.
"Well you're not clueless anymore so deal with it." Skye sassed. Her phone rang and Rocky's contact information showed on her screen.
"Hey Rocks. Yeah. Don't forget Chase for god's sake. Yeah ok. Shut up Zuma! See ya there. Yep. Bye."
"Every phone call ever." Everest laughed.
"Let's get this show on the road!" Skye laughed.
"London, here we come." Marshall smiled, pulling onto the road and turning on the radio.
As the group of nine checked into their apartment, they felt a mixture of excitement and nerves.
"I can't wait!" Skye squealed happily.
"Neither. I just hope we don't mess up." Chase nodded.
"You don't wanna mess up? I'm the clutz here!" Marshall laughed.
"Guys it doesn't matter." Everest interrupted "We just have to be ourselves. We're here helping present and perform for a week. I'm sure we'll be fine." There was a few seconds silence before Skye clapped her hands.
"Right, Chinese for tea?"
"Sounds good to me." Everyone chorused.

From underdogs to top dogs
FanfictionThe paw Patrol reimagined as humans in high school. Each one facing their own emotional and physical problems not to mention the bullies. By meeting and befriending each other one by one, will they overcome their struggles? This story won't be updat...