Chapter 45

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"Ok so I'm just gonna get straight into this and announce the king and queen of the dance." Skye said,  wearing an obviously fake smile. There was silence among the students but the group noticed they all wore devious smiles. They had done something - but what?

"And the king is..." Skye opened one envelope and read the card that had the name of the boy with the most votes. "Zuma Waters." Rocky was not gonna be ok after this. Nevertheless everyone applauded as the crown was placed on the boy's head.

Skye opened the second envelope and her heart stopped. She couldn't let this happen to her brother, it would destroy him even if it meant nothing. The blonde had to think on her feet. She looked at her friends and smiled.

"For the first time in Adventure Bay High history, there is no queen. So this years second king is Rocky Chatswood-Smith." There were cheers and a loud round of applause from the crowd who were a little bemused but confused, sarcastic clapping from Ashlynne, Brianna and Carley. A slow song began and the couples all began dancing but Principal Ryder, who was stood in the corner, beckoned Skye over.

"Skye did no one vote for a girl?" He asked, confused.

"Oh they did." She smiled.

"Skye you can't just change the vote to suit you."

"Well I only changed the first name in my defence." She smiled further.

"Huh?" Skye passed over the envelope that had contained the name of the queen and watched as her principal read the name. Skye's name was on the piece of paper, she had given her place to Rocky. "It was my crown and I felt he deserved it more than I did." She explained. The man in his twenties tried to argue but Skye's point was valid - it was her crown and she gave it up willingly.

"Your a good kid Skye." He shrugged.

"Thanks Sir." She nodded.

"Skye? How would you feel about setting up and running the student council? It's an idea I've had for a while but I was trying to think of the best person to lead it."

"I'd love to. If you could give me a list of tutor representatives then I'll arrange meetings." The blonde nodded, now in leadership mode.

"Thank you Skye. That's a great help." He dismissed her and she walked briskly towards her friends. Just as she was about to reach them, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. It was Brianna.

"You sneaky little bitch." She growled, clearly ticked off at Skye's good deed. The blonde saw her friends watching and waiting to leap to her defence.

"If you want to insult me, I must first value your opinion. Nice try though." She said, turning on her heels.

"Nice one." Sweetie high fived her friend.

"Thanks. I don't mean to sound rude but you guys ready to go?"

"You just wanna find out what the baby's gonna be don't you?" Chase whispered, giving a knowing look towards his girlfriend.

"Can you blame me!?"

"Alright. Come on, let's go." Rocky smiled. The group of friends practically ran out of the hall and made their way back to Marshall's place as fast as they could manage.

"Okay okay calm down." Marshall laughed as Everest pushed the nursery door open, also giggling a little. All nine of them looked at the room the through the door.

"The walls are yellow. You've lost me." Tracker looked up at Marshall.

"Yeah unless you'we naming the kid Wubble, you'we not making this obvious."

"Why don't you walk into the room and look around?" Everest folded her arms. The group of friends obliged and eventually, after a long pause, Skye squealed.


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