Chapter 64

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Rubble leaned back on the seat and sighed.

"London was great. But it's great to be going home." He smiled.

"That week went so fast. Can't wait to see Savie again." Everest smiled and rested her hand on Marshall's leg while he was driving.

"Yeah. Don't get me wrong it's been great spending the week with all of you but I can't wait to see my little girl."

"Bleugh!" Skye pretended to vomit, making the others laugh. "Everyone round mine? Rubble already is."

"I am?"

"Yes you are."


"Because I said so." Skye turned and looked out the window. She and Everest exchanged a wink.

As Marshall pulled up outside Skye's house, the group saw the others getting out of Zuma's car. Rubble followed Skye out onto the path and heard someone call his name.

"Rubble?" The boy turned around and saw a girl, his age, with brown hair and green eyes.

"Chelsea!" He couldn't believe his eyes. Rubble stood there frozen in shock as his crush walked towards him.

"L-l-look that conversation on the phone the other day, I r-really-mph!" Chelsea rolled her eyes and pulled the bewildered teen into a kiss.

Skye, Sweetie and Everest exchanged a victorious smile and high fived each other.

"Well done ladies. Well done."

The older kids went inside and made themselves drinks and snacks while talking to their parents who had decided to have a group day in as everyone got home. This left Rubble and Chelsea outside. The two stood close, holding each other's arms with their foreheads pressed together.

"What were you saying about that phone call?" Chelsea smirked.

"I meant every word." Rubble smiled back.

"So we're official then?"

"If you wanna be." The two hadn't noticed that Skye and Sweetie were stood at the door, watching and listening while silently fangirling.
Chelsea gave the blonde boy another kiss. "I think I wanna be. Wanna grab lunch?"

"Sure." Rubble turned to call to his friends but saw the two fair haired girls at the door and laughed.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough. You two have fun." Skye smiled.

"Be safe." Sweetie added.

"And we're not worried about busy roads!" Skye called, making the pair of them laugh. Chelsea giggled as she intertwined her fingers with Rubble's. He rolled his eyes and the new couple made their way into the town.

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