The group laughed as Skye climbed over the sofa, balancing a bowl of popcorn in each hand. After a short struggle, she sat down carefully between Chase and Rocky while the group helped themselves to the buttered snack.
"That's the first time everyone's looked up to Skye." Rubble laughed. A few seconds later, a piece of popcorn hit his face.
"Alright short stack!" The blonde retorted.
"Guys awe we filming this intwo ow what?" Zuma laughed.
"Right, right," Marshall got up and pressed the record button on the camera. He sat down with the group on the biggest sofa and checked in their monitor to make sure they were all in the frame.
"Hey everyone what's up?" Everest started, seeing as it was her turn.
"So today is another, now traditional, birthday compilation." Tracker explained.
"And this time it's Rocky's birthday so you'll be seeing his best outtakes, scenes and moments from this year." Marshall smiled before eating another piece of popcorn.
"Sorry lil' brother." Skye teased.
"It's alright, your birthday's next." He smirked. Skye suddenly wore an over exaggerated expression of fear, making the others laugh.
"Befowe these two stawt a fight," Zuma started, glancing at Chase.
"Best to say, hope you enjoy." The brunette finished. Marshall switched off the camera and joined the group again, ready to watch a movie as they were editing the video clips together later that day.
"I hope it's not a scary film." Skye said with a warning voice.
"Well there's no eagles so your fine." Chase snorted.
"Alright Mr I'm afraid of the dentist." Marshall laughed.
"At least it's a normal fear." The brunette glanced at Rocky.
"Hey!" He and Zuma yelled.
"Leave my baby alone." Zuma playfully glared while hugging Rocky tight.
"Guys. Come on. We all have a fear of some sort." Rubble reasoned.
"Not evewyone." Zuma smirked triumphantly.
Skye rolled her eyes. "Puppets!" She yelled. Zuma's eyes widened as he jumped and ran away. Rocky looked after him, a deadpan expression on his face.
"Really babe?"
"How'd you know that Skye?" Marshall raised an eyebrow.
"A while ago he may have let slip to me." She smiled. Zuma walked back in now tomato red. The others giggled at his expense.
"You'll be fine." Everest smiled. "We're not watching Sesame Street."
Zuma stuck his tongue out and turned back to his boyfriend who had now cuddled into his chest, arms wrapped around his torso. Zuma looked down and smiled, kissing Rocky's head and running his fingers through the boy's hair.He then looked around at the others; Marshall had Everest curled up on his lap in the beanbag, Chase and Skye were laying under a blanket on the second sofa. He also noticed something about the two couples that was different from them, other than the fact that they were both males. Zuma smiled to himself.
Not for long. He thought."Whatcha smiling at?" Rocky whispered, looking up. Zuma panicked and quickly glanced around for an answer. Luckily, he noticed that Tracker and Sweetie were abnormally close to each other.
The brunette nodded in the direction of the pair. Rocky looked and smiled.
"Looks like poor Rubble's gonna be the only single one again soon."
Zuma laughed quietly and shook his head."Love you Wocky."
"Love you Zuma." The pair exchanged a quick kiss before returning to the film that was being projected onto the plain white wall.
Zuma and Rocky were sat on the grey haired boy's bed talking.
"I've not given you youw pwesent yet."
"That'd better not be a euphemism." Rocky warned in a joking manner.
"No. Close youw eyes." Zuma smiled.
"Ok now I'm worried." Rocky laughed, firmly shutting his eyes.
"Give me youw hand. The left one." Rocky kept his eyes closed but raised an eyebrow. He gave Zuma his left hand and felt him put something on his ring finger. The brunette still kept their hands together, palm to palm and breathed deeply.
"Okay. Open." Rocky opened his eyes and looked at his hand, a thin gold band on his finger. He glanced at Zuma who had one the same on his own hand. The grey haired boy couldn't find the words.
"Who says pwomise wings awe just fow giwls?" Zuma smiled. Rocky just stared at him, open mouthed and a couple of tears forming in his eyes.
"Wocky? What's wrong?" Zuma asked, now worried. "D-don't you like it?" Without warning, Rocky reached forward and hugged his boyfriend and kissing his cheek.
"Zum, I love it. Thank you so much."
Zuma smiled. "Anything fow you baby."

From underdogs to top dogs
FanfictionThe paw Patrol reimagined as humans in high school. Each one facing their own emotional and physical problems not to mention the bullies. By meeting and befriending each other one by one, will they overcome their struggles? This story won't be updat...