Chapter One

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I stood in front of Alan's door, trying to gather the courage to knock. I was still hurt,  but I couldn't bear to lose Alan.  I needed him like air, my heart belongs to him. I was about to knock when the door opened to reveal Alan's roommate, Prince. I could tell he was leaving for class.

"Hello, Angie." He said with a warm smile.
I smiled back trying to act cheerful.

"Is Alan around?" I asked whiles tiptoeing to be able to see past him.

"He is still in bed. " He answered with a hint of amusement at my actions.

" Do come in. " He gently steps aside to make way for me.

"Thank you," I said softly.

" See you soon," he informed with a wave before closing the door behind him.

I could make out Alan's form on his bed with his bare chest rising and falling softly with each intake of breath. He was too pretty for a boy. With his fair skin and lean figure. His soft pink lips were slightly parted and one of his lean muscular arms covered his wavy hair partially. His beard was neatly shaven and it made his defined jaw line more prominent.

I sat beside him on the bed watching him intently, afraid to move lest he wakes up. Watching him sleep stirred an overwhelming emotion within me. Making goosebumps appear on my skin. I wanted to wake up to this for eternity, where I was officially his. His eyes opened to meet mine, and he got slightly startled since he wasn't expecting me.

He sat up in bed and yawn, excusing himself before to head to the bathroom. He came back with a towel wrapped around his neck and stood before me.

"Angel why are you here this early?." He questioned.

I knew he wasn't happy to see me, but I didn't care even though it hurt a bit.

"Alan we need to talk," I answered softly trying to blink away the tears that were threatening to spill. It was in this room that I caught him with Dorcas. It was this same bed they were doing the deed. I cringed internally at the memory. If anybody should be unhappy to see someone, it should have been me. He was the one that betrayed me,  not the other way round. The scene should have reversed,  but here I was seeking him out. What kind of girl does that? except me, the lovesick fool.

"Alan can you please sit down, you pacing about is making me dizzy." I beseeched him.

He drags a chair and sat in front of me. I wanted him to sit beside me on the bed but I didn't want to get him annoyed so I kept quiet.

"Alan why did you cheat on me with Dorcas, considering all the girls on campus, why my best friend," I asked silent tears streaming down my face, I couldn't control it anymore.

He looked at me thoughtfully, hesitant  to speak. I could tell he was weighing his options whether, to be Frank with me.
We stayed in silence for about a minute as he reached out to wipe my tears.
I pulled my face back, preventing him from touching me.

" Please just tell me,  you have already hurt me bad already,  nothing you say can hurt me more. " I demanded increasing the volume of my voice.

" She gives me what you are not willing to give."He blurted.
An awkward silence fell in the room.

"Alan we agreed to wait till marriage and you couldn't keep your part." I retorted.

" I never agreed on anything,  it was your decision that you shoved down my throat." he countered.

" I'm a man for God's sake and I have needs Angela and if I'm not getting it from you, you should know I will get it somewhere, " he added standing up from the chair.

I sat on the bed staring at him.  I was lost for words. I always assume he was okay with the decision, how naive of me.
" Alan you should have talked to me then, you shouldn't have gone behind my back with Dorcas. "

" You make it sound as if I planned to sleep with Dorcas. " He chuckled running his hand through his hair.

" I love you Angela but sometimes love is not enough for a man. " He said brushing my hair aside.

"Are you asking for a breakup. "  I asked my heart starting to ache.

" We are at different levels now dear," he said tenderly still stroking my hair.

I was beginning to panic at the prospect of losing Alan.  I can't lose him. He is the love of my love. I can't let Dorcas win this time around. I needed to do something,  to keep my man.

"What  if I agree to sleep with you from now onwards?." I questioned looking at him expectantly.
Alan removed his hands, taken aback by my suggestion.

" Angela! You have to do that because you really want to and not because of me. " he chastised.

" I want to be with you and if does what it takes then I want to," I answered taking hold of his shirt and pulling him close to me.
I stared at his face overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him. I moistened my lips and gave in, kissing him hard.

He froze in place, clearly shocked at my action. He quickly recovered and responded with urgency wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close to him. We pulled apart, trying to catch our breath.

"Take my virginity,"  I whispered, gazing at him with unquenched passion.

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