Thirty One

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Damien Pov
I was at the office attending to some paper work when my cell phone rang indicating Divine nanny's number.

" Hello," I answered in a dry tone.

" Sir your daughter is at the hospital," she stated in a panic tone.

" Doing what?" I questioned, my mind still not grasping what is going on.

" She _she fainted," she stuttered, making me raise from my seat and quickly taking hold of my keys.

" Which hospital are you right now?" I questioned walking out of the door and signalling my secretary I had an emergency to attend to.

" Stay calm and talk to me," I told her when her panicking reaction was preventing her from speaking clearly.

" St Patrick," she answered and I ended the call before pulling out of the underground parking lot.


" Thank God you are here Sir," Shasha said the moment she saw me and began to tread towards me.

" Shasha what exactly happened?" I questioned when she came close.

" I don't know exactly but she fainted when she saw this lady," she said pointing at a lady leaning against the wall with her back facing us.

" You must be kidding me," I muttered when I sighted Angie, a tightness feeling building up in my chest due to anger.

" So how is Divine doing," I directed my gaze back to Shasha trying to calm my breathing.

" The doctors are with her," she answered and I could tell she was still shaken.

" Shasha you can go home now. Will take over, " I dismiss her after giving her a few dollar notes.

"Is Mr Kingston here," A voice announced catching our attention.

" Yes," I responded when I realised it was the doctor. Angie quickly rushed to my side eager to know what the doctor has to say.

" Your daughter is safe and you can see her," he said gently patting my shoulders and giving me an encouraging smile.

I stride towards the door and realize Angie was right behind my heels . I stopped myself from turning the door knob and turned abruptly to face her. She bumped into me and held her nose her face pain stricken.

I silently raised my eyebrow and questioning watched her.

" What? Are you not going to allow me to see her?" She retorted when she realised I had no intention of moving.

" That's right," I deadpan not believing she could be so dumb to expect me to let her in.

"Fine!" She stated in defeat rolling her eyes and taking a step back.

I shook my head in disbelief before entering the ward, my angel sound asleep on the bed making me intanstly mad at Angie for popping up into her life to cause a mess.

I sat on the chair beside her and took her hand in mine,squeezing it gently before peeking her forehead. She was so beautiful like her but pure. Urrg get thoughts of her out of your mind.

"Dad," Divine uttered bringing me out of my thoughts.

" Cupcake you are awake," I gently said smiling at her whilst she tried go sit up.

" Daddy I saw mummy today. How is that possible? " She said looking at me with her innocent brown eyes. Clearly confuse.

" Baby lie down and relax. We will discuss this when you are better okay," I tried convincing her in an attempt to buy myself time. I had no idea how to get myself out of this shit without her knowing I lied.

" Okay daddy, " she replied with a yawn. " My eyelids feel heavy daddy" she said whilst I gently tap her chest and hummed to ease her into sleep.

I sat staring at her for about a minute thoughts running through my head on how to solve this issue.

Angie's Pov
I stood peeping through the door and watching their whole interaction.

My chest swelled up at the sight. They have a beautiful relationship and I could tell Divine was the center of his world now.

My daughter is so beautiful. Didn't know I was crying till I felt a salty taste on my lips.

I left the entrance and went to waiting room. My mind full of thoughts about my daughter. My whole life was in a mess and I felt overwhelmed.

" Lets talk," I was abruptly turned around, making my heart skip and came face to face with a stoic Damien.

" Seriously what's your ....," I couldn't complete my sentence before he took hold of my arm and began to drag me away, earning a curious look from the few hospital workers around.

Before I could catch my breath, and question what he was doing I was roughly pushed into a dimly light room and he firmly closed the door behind us.

I looked around me and realised we were in a storage room, judging from the mop, vacuum cleaner and a few cleaning agent lying around.

" Ouch!" I uttered when I removed my arm from his grip and tried to step back when my head made an impact with the wall due to small size of the place.

I began to feel uncomfortable when I realised we are few inches apart and there wasn't enough room about.
I could smell his musky cologne and I impulsely felt like drawing closer.

" What were you thinking showing your face to my daughter without my permission," he uttered with tight lips his jaw clutched and his eyes dark to emphasis his furious ness.

I felt intensely aware of his body heat as they radiate off him. His sexy sharp jawline as they clutched and unclutched, making my fingers ache to trace over it. My eyes dropped to his soft pink lips as he bit them waiting impatiently for my reply. Goosebumps spread over my body as I remembered all the things he could do with those kissable lips. Damn Angie get a grip of yourself.

" Are you going to stand there and act like you didn't hear me?" he angrily questioned bring me out of trance. If only he knew what his presence was doing to me.

" What the hell is wrong with you? I'm not a kid to be pushed around," I retorted.

" You have been acting like a spoiled brat from day one," he responded and I could tell he was at his last wit.

" Don't you dare insult me Damien," I warned him hitting a finger at his chest to make my point drive him. Damn they felt hard.

" You can act all selfish and stubborn but this time around is not only about you Angie. My daughter is involved," he stated in frustration his mood quickly shifting from anger to helplessness.

" Is our daughter not your daughter," I corrected in a firm voice my chest contracting with sharp pains at his utterance.

" You lost that right the moment you walked out on us," he retorted, anger laced with pain in his voice.

" Don't you dare throw this on me. It was all your fault," I hauled back with similar intensity.

" Naa. You just choose the whore path and abandon your sick child. So you got no right to put this on me," he spit out.

" How dare you?" I lost control and slapped him hard across the face and he didn't even flinch as if he was expecting it.

" Stay away from my daughter," he warned in a calm collected voice before backing off. Turning around to get the door.

" Then prepare for custody battle," I rushed out before he could turn the knob.

He abruptly stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me. " Don't push me,"

" Watch me! " I said maintaining eye contact, determination setting in.

I broke down and wept when he finally left banging the door on his way out. I didn't want to mess up my daughter's life but I had hit a wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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