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Angie's POV

I allowed my tears to freely flow the moment Damien and his uncle left the room. How could I be so stupid to believe that a guy like Damien will love a simple girl like me. For christ sake I was nowhere near his type. I was naive and gullible. What was I even thinking.

I quickly stood up from the bed and hysterically looked around me. I pulled one of the drawers beside the bed and spotted a piece of paper. I took it out and began to scribble on it.

I quickly laid down when I heard Damien approaching footsteps pretending to be asleep. I counted to ten in my head before he closed the door his footsteps disappearing at each step he take.

I rushed out of the room in my ward attire and headed to the special unit. I looked at the sleeping form of my daughter and stepping out of the room became harder than I thought. I removed my hand band and carefully placed it beside the incubator, my tears overflowing. It was all I could offer at the moment and I knew Damien will know exactly what to do with it.

I found myself  outside the walls of the hospital and refused to look back. It was now or never. I stopped a taxi and got in. Giving the driver Irene's address.

Irene's POV

"Girl you look a mess," I gushed out the moment I opened my room door to sight Angie infront of my apartment.

" Can I come in," she dejectedly asked and I opened the door wider to let her step in.

" Ain't you supposed to be at the hospital with your baby? Is everything alright?" I questioned surprised and confused to see her.

She burst out crying and I engulfed her in a hug, still confuse about what was happening.

" Talk to me, what's wrong?" I asked again when her tears subsided.

" Is Damien," she curtly replied wiping her tears.

" Is he sick or something? Did he beat you?" I bombarded her with questions trying to understand what was going on.

" I found out he  slept with me just to make my dad lose face at the church board and to be named the heir of his fathers company," she rushed out after responding no to all my questions.

" I don't get it. How does he become CEO through that?" I asked trying to process the whole issue.

" His  uncle wants to become our church president and the only person standing in his way was my dad. So he got Damien to have sex with me and videotape it to blackmail my dad to step aside. In return he convince Damien father to make him the heir. And fortunately or unfortunately I got pregnant and his dad made me marry me.

" Oh damn! I knew he couldn't love someone like you. He was way beyond your league," I proclaimed and Angie frown.

"What do you mean someone like me?" She asked with raise eyebrow.

" Don't take it in a bad way. What I meant is that he is not someone who will settle down so easily. So it was suspicious when he did," I tried explaining ,internally happy that things turned out this way.

" I was a fool for not aborting the baby as you said and now everything is so complicated," she stated bitterly, her eyes puffy from so much crying.

" Don't worry will be here for you," I told her smiling with relieve.

" Thank you," she said after I offered her water and a pat at the back.

" So what is the way forward?" I inquired after a moment of silent.

" I have gotten a full scholarship to study in Uk. Logan applied it for me but I didn't want to go but since is all I have now I bet I will go. Is the only way to build my future," she solemnly  answered . It feels so difficult leaving my daughter behind but I don't have the financial capacity to take care of her and Damien will definitely come after me if I do," she continued a lone tear running down her face.

" You are making the right decision. Let him go and concentrate on your future," I assured her and she nodded trying to calm down the internal war going on within her. "Lets get you to bed," I added taking hold of her hand to led her to the guest bedroom.

I was giddy with excitement at the disintegration of Angie marriage. She didn't deserve to be married to a ten over ten guy like Damien.Whilst I haven't found anyone yet. This was the perfect chance for me to sink my hooks into him and I will definitely make use of the chance.

I heard my doorbell ring and I paused the movie I was watching to see who was at the door.

"Damien!" I exclaimed in surprise when I saw him. Shocked at how he was able to locate my house.

"Is Angie here?" he questioned worriedly, two of his shirt button undone, looking disheveled yet sexy. How the hell does he manage to look that delicious even when he is breaking down.

" Irene! are you with me?"he asked again bringing me out of my daze.

" Erm about that. She came here about an hour ago but left.

" To where?" he anxiously questioned running his hands through his hair.

" I don't think is my responsibility to say it," I told him, biting my lips dreamily and standing akimbo.

" Whatever it is just tell me. I'm desperate to find her," he frantically gushed out.

" She run away with Logan. They were actually dating the whole time you guys were married. She was just waiting to give birth before they elope together," I lied effectively, not batting an eye.

Damien chuckled and shook his head in denial before bursting into throaty  laughter.

"You are joking right?" he rhetorically asked, finding everything ridiculous.

" Nope am hundred percent sure. She told me herself," I said. She never loved you. Maybe you should do a paternity test on the baby," I added and his facial expression change into a deep scowl.

" Watch your words!Angie is not that type of a woman," he chastised and gave him a sweet smile.

" Maybe you didn't know her enough," I replied with full confidence. And she leaving you and baby behind at this time should let you know I might have a point," I added convincingly and he gave me a blank look before heading off without a word.

" Who was at the door?" Angie questioned the moment I closed the door startling me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked trying to know if she heard my interaction with Damien.

" About a minute. So who was it" she replied and sat on the couch.

" Nobody, just the laundry lady," I replied and she nodded. Not pressing the issue further.

I smiled to myself when her concentration was off me. Everything was in my court now and I will determine how things end.

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