Chapter Nineteen

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I could hear the aroma of the stew as I wash the dishes signaling to me that the food was ready.

" Mum could you please get the food of the fire for me, it seems someone is at the door," I replied rinsing my hand and heading towards the door.

" Big man!" I screamed engulfing my younger brother in a hug. Too excited to see him.

" Too tight too tight," he breathed out, making me loosen my hold on him and taking hold of his travelling bag which was on the floor.

"Mum your baby is back from school," I screamed and my mum began to head towards us, her footsteps loud.

" Baby you look good," my mum gushed out engulfing him in a hug.

" Mum am a big man now. So reduce the girly touching,"he responded flexing his skinny arm.

" You will forever remain my baby," Mum responded ruffling his hair whilst he gave a fake frown.

" So where is dad?" he asked looking around the house.

" He is at church as usual. Some church executive meeting," I replied before taking hold of his hand to lead him to his bedroom.

" Sis you have really gain weight, you look like a baby elephant," he teased making me frown.

" That is mean," I responded and he began to laugh.

" Didn't mean to hurt you," he replied and I took one of his pillow and threw it at his face.

" Ouch," he said. " Didn't mean to hurt you either," I replied pulling my tongue out at him.

" Will get you for that," he responded taking hold of a pillow, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

" If only you catch me," I replied running out of the door before he threw the pillow, banging the door in the process.

" Where the hell is that loose daughter of yours," I heard my father's  angry voice as I descended the stairs.

" Honey what is the matter," my mum asked softly.

" She has the audacity to get pregnant outside marriage," He responded, his voice dripping with acid and I covered my mouth in horror. How the hell did he get to know. I thought not knowing how to react.

" It can't be true, you let's call her and confirm it," my mum reasoned .

I could hear her shouting my name as I hide under the staircase, before she walked right past me heading towards my room. My dad joining her a moment later with angry strides.

I quickly removed my slippers and began to tiptoe out of the house before I was halted by my brother's voice.

" Dad there she is ,what's the big deal" he said pointing at me. How dumb can he be. Can't he tell I was trying to hide.

" Angie come here," My dad said and I took slow steps to get to where he was standing my heart beating against my ribcage.

" Are you pregnant or not?" He went straight to the point making my brother gasps in surprise.

I just stood there starring at him. Whilst my mind run faster per minute not knowing whether to lie or say the truth.

"Angie say something," my mom encouraged, her hopeful look diminishing every second from my silence and guilty look.

" How could you?!" she exclaimed in disappointment. " After everything we taught you," she added her voice blurry with unshed tears.

I suddenly felt emotionless not knowing how to react. Strangely I couldn't cry.

" Go pack your things!" my dad suddenly blurted out beside mum his nostrils flared in anger.

" Honey you can't send her away, this is the time she needs us," mum tried to persuade dad which set him off.

" I should be  kicking your ass out together with her. You are always pampering her see what it has resulted in. I have to drop my ambition of becoming the church president all because your daughter couldn't close her legs," he screamed in her face, making her retreat in fear.

" What are you standing there for, go pack your things," he instructed and I scurried off to my room.

I was almost than with the packing when my parents came in. I was going through the motion emotionless and couldn't tell what the hell was wrong with me.

" Angie who is responsible for the  pregnancy," my parents were now standing by the door now and it seems my mum has managed to calm him down a little.

" Damien," I responded without looking up from the things I was packing.

"I knew it," my father was going ballistic now and my mum has finally burst into tears.

" Angie you have killed me. Couldn't it have been someone from a decent family?" she chastised in between tears.

" Mum don't worry he said he will take care of me," I tried assuring her not knowing why I didn't feel sad at the situation anymore.

" How could you be this stupid. Boys say things they don't mean all the time," My dad boomed startling me.

"But  dad he seems genuine when he said it," I tried defending.

" Oh really? since you are done packing why don't you drag your suitcase downstairs, so that we can go find out how genuine he was," he said sarcastically signing me to follow him.

We were currently standing in front of Damien's porch and dad was ringing their door bell none stop and muttering obscenities under his breath.

" Dad let me call him on his phone," I uttered and he turned to give me a stink eye, making me shut up immediately.

" How may I help you sir," a woman of about forty came to inquire and I could tell she was the house help.

" I'm here to see Mr Kingston," my dad curtly replied and the lady told us to wait. She came back later on to usher as in.
" You are welcome to my house, what brings you here?" Damien's father said in a deep voice once we were seated and I could practically feel the tension in the air.

" Thank you. Your son Damien got my daughter pregnant," my father informed him, all the while tapping his foot impatiently.

" What! Getty get Damien for me," the man called out and the maid rushed upstairs to get him.

I looked up to see Damien descending down the stairs, busily buttoning his shirt. He smiled when his eyes made contact with me and I quickly looked away.

" Sup dad," he greeted and made an attempt to sit down. " Keep standing!" his dad commanded icyly, stopping Damien in his tracks.

" Why didn't you use protection when you were sleeping with her?" his dad questioned,taking us aback. He didn't even ask whether he is responsible or not.

" Dad it happened in the heat of the moment," he replied looking downward. This was the first time I saw Damien slightly intimidated.

" You see why I don't want to entrust you with my company . You always do things on impulse and refuse to think things through," he began to rain insult on him and Damien just stood there with a frown.

" But dad I was...," Damien tried defending when he couldn't take it anymore and his dad cut him off.

" Don't give me any crappy excuse. Just get ready for your marriage with her," his dad informed with finality, whilst my dad nod in content and Damien stood rigid his face devoid of emotion.

"What the hell. This is the twenty-first century you don't get married because you are pregnant. You need to be in love," I thought out loud and they all turned to look at me, his dad icy glare making me want to hide.

Sorry for the long wait.
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