Chapter Twenty-five

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Damien's Pov

The frantic cry of Angie made my heart lap out. The thought of her being in danger crippling me momentarily.

" Cancel every damn meeting," I instructed my secretary in urgency before quickly heading out of the building whilst she looked on in confusion.

" Sir where are we heading to," the driver asked when he saw me striding towards the car.

" Nowhere! Just hand me the car keys," I stated harshly stretching my hand to signal him to put them in, which he did timidly.

I rushed over to the driver side and drove out at rapid speed, my mind racing with negative thoughts about the safety of Angie.The car tyres making a screeching sound as a reaction to the reckless driving and the impact of the gravels.

My phone ringing with an emergency number blinking on the display screen made me bring the car to a halt  to pick the call.

" Your wife has been admitted at our hospital and as her guardian we need your permission to perform a cesarian section on her," The hospital worker declared the moment I picked the call.

" Just do whatever you can to save  her. I will be over in a minute. What hospital is that again?" I asked.

" Living waters," she replied and I ended the call afterwards, my heart rate stabilising at the thought of her being in safe hand.

They handed me numerous documents to sign in concern with Angie's health care whilst I paced outside  the theatre room afterwards, loosening my tie and removing my coat as I suddenly felt hot from too much movement and anticipation .

" What the hell are you doing here mum?" I questioned in annoyance the moment I saw my mother heading my way.

" I heard about Angie and I wanted to make sure she was alright," she calmly said, trying to take my hand.

" Don't pretend like you care about her. I just gave you a simple task to take care of her and you left her on her own," I angrily said, making her flinch.

" Damien let me explain," she said in a sickening sweet voice.

" I'm not about to listen to any of your lies. Pray that she and the baby comes out alright," I replied, my hands shakily slightly in anger, whilst I take a step back when she tried to touch me again. " Don't fucking touch me," I breathed out.

" Son please, I didn't leave her," she pleaded tears running down her face.

"Angie told me you did and you know the girl doesn't even have a single tendency to lie," I retorted, her crocodile tears pissing me off.

" She is trying to turn you against me,"she continued to cry whilst I looked on with zero pity. I was done with her manipulating behaviour.

"Angie's guardian," the doctor came out announcing whilst we rushed to his side.

"She just delivered a baby girl and they are both out of danger zone. But since she was a premature child, the baby is an incubator now," he continued to explain and I was relieved and super excited about being a dad.

" Can I see them now?" I enthusiastically asked and the doctor nodded giving his permission, before patting my back to congratulate me.

I made my way towards the ward where Angie was admitted, my mum following close behind.

" Don't even think of following me!" I turned to look at her when I reached the ward.

" I want to see my grandchild," she insisted whilst I gave her a cold stare.

" I don't want to stress Angie out with your presence so go home. If she says is alright for you to see our child, then you come," I told her in a mean firm tone.

" You haven't even listen to my story and you are already choosing sides," she stubbornly replied.

" She is my wife and my responsibility to protect, so her safety first," I told her in a matter of fact tone making her grimace.

" I'm your mother and you have to  trust and protect me too," she retorted  getting teary eye.

" Not when you are a threat to my family," I stated in my defense.

" I'm your family too and you are all I got since your dad is no more. So don't let that woman get between us," she stated calmly, taking my hand in hers.

" I love that woman mum, more than am willing to admit. So you better start treating her right, if you don't want to lose me," I heatedly replied whilst her face instantly became pale, my confession not sitting well with her. " Go home! will contact you when I need you," I told her before opening the door and getting in, not waiting for her reply.

I entered the ward to see Angie peaceful form.  I approached her and run my hands gently through her hair before bending down to plant a firm kiss on her forehead. I knew I had a whole lot of begging to do when she woke up.

" Sir will you like to see your daughter now?," A nurse came in to ask, drawing my attention away from Angie.

" Lead the way," I replied following her to the incubator room. The sight of my daughter made my heart lap with joy. She looked vulnerable yet beautifully breath taking. Then and there I knew she had stolen my heart. I leaned against the machine gazing lovingly at her cute form, soundly asleep.

" What name should we write on her birth form sir," she asked snapping me out of daze.

" Divine," I replied, the only way I could describe the effect of my  daughter's presence at the moment.
" Divine Kingston," I repeated and the nurse nodded, scribing on the sheet.

" Beautiful name," she said with a warm smile before heading out, leaving me alone with my daughter.

There and then I promised myself to give my all to become a great father to this amazing being I helped create.

A/N Is short I know. It would have been a long chapter but I decided to   break it into two. I promise to update the next chapter  tomorrow.

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