Chapter Five

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I tried as much as possible to wipe the tears from my face before I looked up at the person. His dark complexion and titan shoulders coupled with his concrete jaw made him stood out.

"Are you okay?" he questioned in a deep voice as I quickly stood up and used my hand to get rid of the dirt on my skirt.

" I'm fine," I stated calmly, whilst I avoided his gaze, suddenly finding my shoes interesting.

"Are you sure?" He questioned worriedly and I nodded to assure him I was okay.

"I noticed you sitting here alone for sometime and I decided to check up on you," he stated and I could feel his eyes roaming over my body.

"Thanks for the concern," I expressed my gratitude but still refused to look up at him.

" Pardon my manners I'm Logan," he introduced himself and I reluctantly greeted him. His hands felt incredibly warm.

" Nice to meet you," I responded.

"I don't bite you know, so you can look at my face," he stated with a chuckle which elicited a shy smile from me.

I tried to prove I wasn't shy and took the opportunity to study his facial features. He had full eyebrows that looked as if it has been neatly trimmed with long nose hooked over thin lips. He was attractive.

" You like what you see?" He questioned with a smirk which brought me out of my assessment mood.

" I got to go,"I stated hurriedly, wanting to avoid the embarrassment of being caught staring.

" Hey you didn't tell me your name," I felt his grip on my wrist as he turned me to face him.

" Angela," I replied and made an attempt to walk off.

" Apply cucumber slices on your eye when you get the chance. It will make the puffiness go down," he advised before letting go of my wrist and my hands instantly went to touch my eyes.

" Huh?" I questioned in disbelief not knowing why he was giving me that advise.

" I'm a pharmacy student and your eyes, they are puffy from too much crying," he stated, with an intense penetrating gaze that felt as if he was staring into my soul.

I broke eye contact and looked away.
" Thanks," I whispered before walking off and I could feel his eyes on.

I got to the library to study and I kept
staring at the sheets with nothing sinking in. My mind kept wandering on my pathetic love life and I could feel my eyes getting teary again. Angie get a grip. I chastised myself whilst I hit my head with one of the books in frustration which made a bump noise.

I noticed the other students in the library staring at me and I quickly laid my head on the desk to avoid their stares.

I raised my head back up after a minute when I couldn't feel their burning stares any more. I packed my stuff and walked out of the library.

" Angie," I heard my name being called and I turned to see Logan.

I immediately stopped in my tracks as he jogs over to me.

" Where are you going?" He questioned whilst I looked at him slightly perplexed.

" Why?" I questioned in confusion.

" I wanted to drop you off," he stated whilst he looked at me intently, trying to gauge my reaction.

" I will be fine on my own, thanks anyway," I refused his offer and gave him an appreciative smile.

" It's too dark to walk alone on campus, it's eleven pm already. Besides I can tell you are not in a good mood judging from the act you put on in the library," he stated.

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