Chapter 28

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Savannahs Pov:

             Katelyn had come upstairs just after midnight. She had stayed up late waiting for me to come home. She and her father had been able to find plenty of data concerning her sisters, and they planned to drag my family on some voyage to find them.

             I finished reading my second book for the night before getting up with the sunlight beaming on my face. My entire body was sore and my powers were exhausted. I groaned as I rolled over onto my back and my muscles screamed in protest. Katelyn was snoring loudly on her twin bed across the room.

             I crankily rolled off the bed and stretched, every muscle screamed it's protest as I limped painfully over to the bathroom. I pulled off my torn shirt and jean shorts and several leaves and pine needles fell out among the loose dirt. I carefully cleaned all my scratches and scrapes from running in the woods without a force field.

             I savoured the warm water from my shower as it relieved some of the tension in my muscles. I sighed as the beads of water gently ran races down my back. It was a miracle I could even stand after exhausting my powers as much as yesterday.

           One thing was certain, I found the limit to my powers. I would have to rest eventually, but now I was enjoying the soothing water.

My shower was disturbed by Katelyn knocking on the door. I turned the water off and quickly dried as best I could before throwing a towel around my hair. I pulled another towel on around my body as Katelyn whimpered obviously really needing to pee. I open the door with my towels sucking up the remaining water from my shower.

"Whoa it looks like you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and... Errr... Fell on a porcupine." Katelyn looked a little nervous as I walked out and she eyed me like a gazelle stared at a lion. I kept my laugh in and continued on to our bedroom.

             Once alone I finished drying off and put some clean clothes and deodorant on. The mirror flashed and caught my attention as Katelyn slipped into the room. She was covering her eyes as though I were still naked.

"Don't worry I'm dressed you goof!" I laughed, and to prove my point I threw my damp towels at her.

"Hey!" She screamed perturbed, as she threw them back at me. I stopped them halfway telekinetically and sent them towards the laundry room with my mind when Kate's dad suddenly walked in.

             Kate and I both lost it as he daintily picked them off his face and held it in front of him.

"Who threw these towels, girls?" He asked and we both started laughing harder. He gave us a confused/angry face as he tried to figure it out.

"Technically I threw it," I replied while dying of laughter.

"What do you mean technically?" He asked skeptically.

"She moved it with her mind!" Kate answered his question for me and I glared at her.

"You mean like superpowers He asked giddily. Suddenly my instinctive knowledge told me what to say next.

"Yes, Kate's powers are the reason she was kidnapped and mine and my brothers are why we were hunted down our entire lives." I finished my statement just to realize that Kate and her father had dropped their mouths open.

"Is that really why?" She asked a pained look in her eyes.

"Yes.",I replied a sense filled my mind that this fact was true. She looked stunned for a second before nodding understandably.

"Your instinctive knowing told you didn't it.",Kate asked and I nodded as she sighed flipping her brown hair to her right shoulder. Kate's father gave us both a sincere look of confusion before sighing and walking out of the room.

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