6: Breaking the News

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That night you dreamed about the twins' first birthday. It had been a huge day at the Morow residence. You had invited all of the circus performers who stayed after your father's death and the theme of the party was strawberries. The twins, of course, wouldn't care, but your husband would love it.

As you put the finishing touches on the pink cake, strong arms wrapped around you. 

"How's the cake coming, my truest love?~"

"Done! But I still have the twin's cakes to frost."

"This isn't their cake?~" Hisoka laid his chin on your shoulder and slipped his hands inside of your frilly apron.

"Hey, hey!" You squirmed in his arms, "No. This is for the humans who can actually use a fork and knife. I have two little cakes for their tiny fingers to defile."

"Oh, such harsh words for our cutest babies.~"

"Our only babies!"

"For now~!" He chomped at your neck, making you screech and wiggle.

"Speaking of, where are they?" You pushed the finished cake back and pulled forward two cakes that were slightly bigger than cupcakes.

"Abaki has them.~"

"She came!? After everything that happened? I was sure she hated me."

"You didn't do anything to her, baby~"

"Not me Bungee, but my father, you know--"

"Enough. Don't let him ruin anything else in your life. Let me grab some candles, and our babies, and come out with their cake when it's done, okay love?~ Stress free, stress free, it's a happy day~" He sung happily.

You rustled his hair, it was so soft. He almost always wore it down, but occasionally he had worn it tied back lately. You liked it down best. As Hisoka kissed your cheek and left, you woke up from your dream by Chouko's tiny whimpers. You groaned. When Hisoka was home, he always did the early morning stuff. You were suited to the "night owl" life, not the "6 am wake up call with dirty diapers" life. But this was the "runaway wife" life now, and you were going to have to continue doing everything alone. So you forced yourself out of your slumber and grabbed your daughter. As worked to free her from her soiled diaper and set yourself up to provide her with breakfast, your phone started ringing. You dove for it, trying to savor just another hour or two without your two hurricanes.

"Hello?" You whispered.

"Babe, I'm home... Where are you?" Hisoka was suspicious. He had thought you would have welcomed him home graciously, like you always had. But when he opened the door, everything was dark and the place was cold and empty. "Are you at Abaki's? You should have told me."

"No I'm not at Abaki's. I've left and I've taken the kids. I'm so sick of you not being home, not telling me where you're going and not telling me when you're coming back. I need your help raising our kids. Use whatever skills you've been building away from us to find us. If you find us, we'll come home. But until then, enjoy the single life you've been so desperately chasing after."

"But Yumi--"

You hung up on him. You knew if you listened to him, you would have immediately come home. You did love him, but you needed to do this. As you doubled checked that the location services and GPS were off on your phone, you decided to start your morning. After all, you'd probably make it to Yorknew by nightfall.

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