18: Tea Time

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Dinner was... interesting to say the least. As expected with the Zoldycks however. Next, everyone retired to one of the many parlors to take an after dinner tea and relax. You sat by yourself on a very comfortable chair, holding your tea and sipping calmly. Kikyo held a burbling Chouko on her lap and Silva and Illumi relaxed on a couch together. Zeno, Milluki and Kalluto also joined you.

"Let me hold the baby, Mama!" Milluki demanded.

"I am not finished, Millu, my darling." She sang as she attempted to play peek-a-boo with your daughter. Chouko, however, didn't quite understand. Kalluto brought out paper, scissors and markers and was pleasantly showing your sons how to make paper dolls. He also was not very successful and spent most of his time on his own project.

"So why did you marry Hisoka, if you were just going to run away from him?" Illumi asked bluntly.

"Illumi, that is quite the personal question." Zeno scolded him.

"No, it's okay." You sipped once more from your tea cup and then set it down. "Hisoka was desperately in love with me from the moment he met me when he was fourteen. Eventually, either due to his persistence, circumstances or simply fate, I fell in love with him too. I really did love being doted on and being cared about. And we were sickeningly happy for the next six years. It wasn't until just before I became pregnant with Chouko that he started leaving for longer than a day or so." You paused here for another sip of tea.

"So you left him for working? That seems inappropriate." Illumi scoffed.

"No." You glared at him, "I was fine with him working and being gone a day, or even a weekend, when it was just me and the twins. They were almost three then and we finally had moved passed the most dependent stages, as you three may know." You nodded your head towards the three older Zoldycks, who in turn nodded their heads in agreement. "But the first problem was that he never told me when he was leaving, where he was going or when he was coming back. Even when I asked. And that was highly suspicious. I had no reason to believe that he was cheating on me at that point, so I really wondered what he was up to." This is where Chouko started fussing and you reached out to take her into your arms. It was getting late for her. "Then, of course, I became pregnant with Chouko. He stayed home the entire time once I told him. And he stayed home another month or so after that. But then he left. And he didn't come back for months. He came home briefly, and he left again. And finally, we arrived here, where I had no idea where he was for the past few weeks. I didn't know where he was, when he would come home or when he would leave again."

"He and I were on a mission. For certification." Illumi added.

"See, I don't even know what that is for. And then I go on this little game and I hear all these awful things that I know are true. I didn't know he was out murdering people. I didn't know the sheer amount of money he was making and I don't know anything about his work. I just feel... lied to. So maybe at first, this was just a desperate ploy for attention but now it's me discovering more about my own husband."

"If you want to know where he's heading next, I can give you the date of his next fight at Heaven's Arena." He was now excited to join this game of cat and mouse. Nothing would infuriate Hisoka more.

"You're going to have to explain that a little bit more. But it'll have to wait until I put Chouko to bed, is that alright?" You stood up and looked at your boys. "Do you both want to go to bed now, or wait another hour or so?"

"More time!" They cheered as they dangerously waved their scissors in the air.

"Alright. Kikyo, can you show me to the nursery?" You asked the lady of the house.

"Well, of course. Silva, my love, I will be right back." Delicately, she stood up and smoothed the wrinkles on her dress, ready to show you to her expensive nursery.

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