25: One Fight Ends & Another Begins

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"What is he thinking?!" The announcer screamed, mirroring your thoughts.

"What?" Kastro gasped in horror as he looked downwards.

"As expected, you attacked with your double. With this." He showed off his unharmed right arm.

What? You thought to yourself, having been deceived as well. Hisoka noted your astonished look and let loose a large smile.

"This is another magic trick." Hisoka laughed. "Are you frightened? You will die, in a frenzied dance." Akio and Zenko gulped next to you. This collided with the fact that their father did, indeed kill people. And he was going to prove it to them, right now.

"Silence!" Kastro screamed as he lunged towards Hisoka. You held your breath as your husband dodged him.

"But," Hisoka glanced up, noticing three of his family members worried now and his darling baby still watching him, holding out her arms for him. For him. Not for anyone but me in this entire stadium. Not even my cute little wife. He was basking in the glory of fatherly adoration while he continued talking. "You can't recreate every effect of an ongoing battle."He watched Kastro look at the blood he had left on his cloak. "Oh. Did you not realize this?" Kastro attempted to attack in a flurry and suddenly get punched by Hisoka's unattached arm, when you realized the big trick.

All Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise, eh? How interesting. You thought.

"What is going on here?"

"I hit you in the chin, so you'll have difficulty moving for a while." Hisoka smiled. But Kastro didn't have a while. As Hisoka spoke, he flung the cards towards him and you were just quick enough to cover the boy's eyes.

"Something as complex as a human being is extremely difficult. I call that running out of memory. Kastro fell to the ground and Hisoka hurried off-stage.

"Hisoka win by knockout!" And the crowd went wild.

"Yay, Daddy!" Akio and Zenko Cheered together!

"Ayy, Dada!" Chouko joined in the fun.

"Alright everyone," You quickly stood everyone up and ushered them out. "Are we ready to go see Daddy?"

"Yes!" Akio yelled.

"That guy is going to be okay, right?" Zenko looked back, a bit worried.

"Yes, yes, it's all acting, Zenko baby. Are you nervous?"

"Why?" Zenko asked politely.

"I just thought you might be. But apparently, you are a brave boy!"

"Okay!" He smiled at you, being very brave indeed.

Meanwhile, while you hid on the 3rd floor, Hisoka was in his room getting sewn up, bantering with Machi. He was in such a pleasant mood, he had forgiven her briefly, regardless of the price that she was charging. Then he felt it. A massive flare of familiar aura, hundreds of flights down. "My wife is calling me." He said as he stood up.

"Wire me the money."

"Just get out."

"And Danchou said to remind you, the day before September begins."

"Yes, yes. Now go."

It worked. It's time for me to get my precious family.

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