74: The Husband & The Wife

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"Here, love." You threw him a bottle of water. "Did my song stop the bleeding?"

"Yes, of course~" He motioned for you to come join him, which of course you did.

As you snuggled in close to his chiseled body, you felt him exhale deeply.

"What is it, Bungee?" You looked up at his bare face, which was smiling.

"I'm glad you're going to get a day off~ I think you deserve it. You're such a good mother and you work so hard, even when I'm being an absolute monster." He pet your hair and held your hand.

"Well I love you, Bungee. What else can I do?" Your nose rubbed against his strong lats and took in his smell.

"You could have done a lot of things. You could have actually divorced me. You could have taken my children from me. You could have gotten together with Chrollo," He groaned at that name leaving his lips. "You could have said no to me."

"Said no?"

"When I asked you to be my girlfriend. When I asked you to move in with me. When I asked you to marry me. When I asked your to devote your life to me. When I asked to come home." He held you tightly. "But you're a wonderful woman and you took a chance with me. Even if you took your precious time to say yes~"

You laughed as you admitted to yourself that it was true. You never rushed any decisions.

"I'm just glad you waited, Bungee. You could have taken no for an answer at any point."

"Ah~ But that's where you're wrong, my precious wife. We were always meant to be~ My life would have been nothing without you~"

"Don't say such sweet things to me Bungee." You kissed his body as your fingers played on his chest.

"Why is that, my dearest?" His voice was sleepy and you could tell that he wouldn't be awake and talking much longer.

"Because you'll make me want to say yes to everything you ask." You smiled and snuggled closer to him as you both laid down in your bed.

"Well then I'm afraid I won't be able to stop doing that~" His eyes closed and his body turned to hold you to his chest.

"Oh? Why say that?" You asked as your own eyelids began to droop downward.

"I really, really want a baby." His voice drifted down as sleep quickly began to run its course. After the day he had, you weren't surprised that he had fallen asleep so quickly.

And despite your excitement about your day off, you too, were feeling the pull of sleep on your eyes.

Yeah... I think... Maybe when Chouko goes to school. Maybe then I'll be ready. You thought calmly as you inhaled the scent of your sleeping husband. That'll be about three more years of him asking... I can handle that.

And with that thought, you drifted to sleep as well. As happy as could be, a husband and a wife.

AN: Surprise! The story is done! I want to thank everyone for reading, commenting and voting! I spent so much time on this story and it's one of my favorite Hunter x Hunter stories I've written so far. And not just because Hisoka is a super fun character to write, but because of the love this story has received. I definitely didn't expect to get over 300K reads and to hit the top thirty fanfictions~ You all are amazing readers!

Be sure to check out my other various fanfictions, as well as my other Hunter x Hunter stories (Illumi, Chrollo, Kurapika and more to come). Thank you all and I hope you check out my profile to see if I can write anything else that you will love as much as this.


Check out my patreon page to see what I'm up to on the day to day as well as all my drafts for stories! Completely for free!

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