66: Complete Disaster

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Hisoka blew more bubble with his gum in front of Chouko, desperately trying to keep her from crying; but every time the bubble deflated or, God forbid, popped, she starting sniffling.

You frowned at her, but decided to watch your sons interact with the other two boys.

"And that's how you make a spit ball!" Killua smiled mischeviously.

Why... WHY WOULD THEY TEACH THEM THAT?! You thought as you sighed exasperatedly.

"It's okay, love~ They have to have friends eventually~"

"They're three times older. And it's not as if they're teaching them math."

"They're teaching them how to have fun~"

"It'll be super fun when you're washing spitty paper out of your hair--"

Then, your daughter exploded with "hanger".

"Mama! Chouko!" Zenko laid across Akio's lap and pulled on your shirt.

"That's our sister. She's too little to talk good, so she cries when she's upset." Akio explained to Gon, who nodded as if that was special knowledge.

"Do something, Hisoka! Ugh, she's grating my ears!" Killua covered his ears and complained.

"I am, brat." Hisoka frowned at him as he picked up Chouko. But this time, her tiny hands and feet pushed and pulled herself towards you.

You closed one eye, as if that would prevent the partial deafness.

"I know. She's so loud." You agreed with Killua, but took your daughter. As you held her on your lap, she pulled at your shirt, exposing part of your bra. "Chouko, no!"

Hisoka's eyes burned into both Killua and Gon, who were staring intensely to see if anything else would happen. But upon realizing that they were caught, they both blushed and looked away.

"Keep your eyes to yourself~" Hisoka cheered. "Oh, thank goodness!~ The food!~"

As the large pizza was laid in the middle of the table, and the rest of the drinks distributed, you gave a sigh of relief. Hisoka took the initiative to begin trying to feed your daughter, who was sniffling and clinging onto your shirt.

"Let's have an eating contest, Akio and Zenko!" Gon challenged your sons.

"I don--" You began to say no, but Killua interrupted you.

"First person to finish their slice wins!" Killua yelled. "ONE TWO THREE GO!"

And then your ears were filled with the nauseating sound of four boys scarfing their food.

"Just eat, love.~" Hisoka reassured you.

"What about you, Bungee?" You asked him.

"Feed me~" He requested with a smile.

You picked a piece of pizza up and took a few bites. It was surprisingly good and you would have liked to finish the whole piece, but your conscience told you to feed your husband who was only having a twenty percent success rate with getting the apple sauce in Chouko's mouth.

"DONE!" Gon yelled out as he slammed his hands on the table, in turn knocking his grape juice over.

Then, naturally, it spilled all over Zenko's shirt and pants causing him to screech.

"MAMA! DIRTY!" He looked at you with distress.

Your eyes rolled back in your head, exasperatedly. Could this meal get any worse?

As you leaned over Akio to pat Zenko's clothes down with a napkin, Akio turned absolutely green.

And then, he threw up all over your hair and back.

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