21: Anger Issues

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Hisoka had always had a bad temper. Even when he was a child. And it had gotten him into trouble then too. He reflected on this while he rode in fuming anger towards Heaven's Arena for his fight later that day.

Damn it. I know I shouldn't have said it, but she makes me so angry lately. It's like that time that she dated that acrobat. He thought bitterly, keeping his blood lustful aura flowing.

You were fifteen and getting a little bit tired of your shadow bodyguard. Ever since you stitched him up and fed him, Hisoka had rarely left your side. He had taken it upon himself to protect you at every turn. And that meant every turn.

"Go away Bungee! I don't need you looming over me 24/7, you know."

"Oh?~" He smiled at you, happy to continue looming. "Is there any reason I can't be here?"

There was, although you didn't really want to share.

"Kinda..." You turned away from him and walked faster.

"And what's that, cutie?~" He teased you lightly as he easily kept up with you.

"Seriously Bungee, I've... got plans." You mumbled.

"Secrets from me?~ Is it a present for me?~" He pushed as he blew a bubble with his gum. He had looked pretty cute today, with a tank top, face paint on from work and his hair pulled into a bun on the top of his head.

"No. It's a date with me." Suddenly a man even older than him showed up with a few daisies. "So I'd appreciate if you could just leave her to me."

"Who are you?" Hisoka popped his gum and spoke apathetically.

"Mind your business. You ready, girl?" The acrobat turned towards you and extended his hand.

"Yeah, let's go." You accepted his hand and walked away with him, leaving Hisoka's mouth to drop open so much that his gum fell out. By the time you were out of sight, he lost control. He destroyed everything around him and stomped back to your room and let himself in. It was hours before you finally came back to your room, with a big smile on your face.

"Did you have fun?" Hisoka asked bitterly as he sat on your desk chair.

"Yep. I did." You ignored his bad mood, hoping it would dissipate if you did so.

"I didn't."

"Well yeah, you didn't go on the date."

He snapped. He got up, picked up the chair and smashed it to pieces on the ground.

"Why him? Why some sick old man?"

"He's not sick and he's not old! He's only a year older than you!" You shouted back. You had really liked your chair.

"When did you even talk to him?! What did he do to get your attention!?" Hisoka was screaming at you now as he smashed the chair even further.

"Well, he certainly didn't scream at me!" You yelled back. Hisoka's face was red from anger and his hair had half fallen out of it's style. He stormed past you and muttered as he passed you.

"Fuck this shit." And he slammed the door behind him.

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