65: I'm Not Touching You

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"STOP TOUCHING ME!" Killua shouted at your husband as you tried to get a table for six plus a high chair.

"I'm not touching you~" Hisoka teased as his sons stood next to him and laughed loudly. He was only doing it to entertain his children, but you could tell that it was really upsetting the other boy. On one hand, you were happy that Hisoka keeping your daughter entertained. On the other, it was pretty obnoxious, what he was doing.

"Oh my," You turned around after finally being told to wait just one moment for a corner booth. "And here I thought I only had three children. Apparently I have four."

"Nah-nah!" Killua stuck his tongue out and pulled his cheek down, "Your wife yelled at you!"

"My beautiful wife would never yell at me~ She's just a mother at heart~" He cooed.

"Which reminds me, Killua. We actually know your parents and brother very well. We were just over there recently, so when you go back, tell them hello for us." You spoke to him in a happy voice until a hostess finally came over to show you to your table.

"I uh, I won't be going back there. Not unless I have to." Killua rubbed the back of his head.

Surprising to him however, you laughed.

"I completely understand why! I can hardly get Chouko back from her when we see her! I'm sure she's quite the mother of smother."

Gon laughed at your silly joke and you gave them a smile. Your husband on the other hand gave a tiny scowl and threw his arm around you. You leaned into him, reassuringly. Of course only your husband would get jealous of pre-teen boys.

"So," You continued as slid into the booth. "What should we order?"

The order of the booth was Chouko, in a high chair on the outside of the table, then Hisoka, you, Akio, Zenko, Gon and finally Killua. You thought that perhaps you should have sat next to your wildest child, but when you looked over at him, you noticed Gon teaching him how to do some trick with a napkin.

"Pizza!" Akio cheered.

"Oh, I don't know, pizza isn't very healthy..." You pursed your lips.

"Daddy, can we have pizza?" He asked politely.

"Don't just ask him if I don't give you the answer you want!" You frowned as you scolded him.

"Mmmm, ask your mother!~" Hisoka smiled back cruelly.

"Gon, Killua, would you like pizza?" You asked.

"Yes! I love pizza!" Gon cheered.

"Yeah, whatever is fine." Killua looked away and shrugged.

"Then yes, Akio, for a vacation treat we can have pizza." You finally acquiesced.

"What about Chouko, Mama? She's too little for pizza." Zenko turned to you out of worry. "Are you going to feed her?"

"Oh, hmm. I didn't think of that." You looked down at the menu and scanned it; looking for anything baby friendly. "There's some applesauce... But I might have to. I don't really like to do it in front of guests, or in public..."

"No." Hisoka's hand gripped your thigh tightly. "She can wait."

"Alllllright then," You rolled your eyes and waved the waiter over. "Could we please have one large veggie pizza and an order of apple sauce. Two milks, a pitcher of water for the table, sangria for me and," You turned to Hisoka. "What would you like to drink, Hisoka?"

"Call me Bungeeeee," He whined quietly. "I want coquito. Do you know how to make that?"

"Yes." The NPC waiter responded placidly.

"I'll have some grape juice!" Gon smiled nicely.

"And I'll have orange pop. Thanks." Killua handed the waiter his menu. And then, it was small talk time again.

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