62: Trust Me

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"Alright Bungee, we're ready. Where are we heading?" You asked as you walked into your delicious smelling kitchen.

"Take a seat, my love, there's no rush. Enjoy this feast~" He presented it before you as if it wasn't just macaroni with cheese from a box.

"I remember when you used to make me gourmet food..." You grumbled as you sat down.

"And I remember when I didn't use my fingers to feed our children very messy food~ But I'm not complaining~" He popped another cheesy noodle into your daughters mouth as your sons shoveled food into their own tiny mouths.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks for being an amazing Daddy," You rolled your eyes and smiled at him. He was really a natural at this kind of thing and it even made you jealous at times. He never lost his cool with the children, unlike you.

"I love you, Mama." Zenko looked up and spoke with macaroni bits flying out of his mouth.

"I love you too, Zeni, but please," You shielded yourself and laughed, "keep your food in your mouth."

The rest of the meal continued with only a dull roar as the boys got more and more excited about where you were all going.

As your husband picked up everyone's bowls and washed them out, you looked at him endearingly. When did you get so lucky?

"So, dearest husband, where are we going?" You asked as you stood up.

"The living room!~" He cheered.

Flabbergasted you blinked a few time before being able to formulate a sentence.

"L-Living room?" You looked at him incredulously, "You're not serious."

"I'm very serious, my love~ Join me!~" He sung as he grabbed his little girl and shepherded the boys towards your room in question.

Struck by his boldness of declaring a trip to the living room to be a vacation, you decided to follow him.

"Alright!~ So before we go, make sure everyone has their bag~ Here's our daughter, YN~ You hold her!" He handed her to you and you shifted her weight onto your hip. Each person grabbed their bags and regrouped near the television. "Alright, my lovely family, here's the deal~ I've got two rings here, one for me and one for your beautiful mother~ The rings plus..." He pulled out a gaming device that had two save slots full, "This game, will take us to our vacation. I'll hold onto the boys and Mama will hold Chouko. You'll need your nen for this to, love~"

You looked at him suspiciously as he placed a ring on his finger and held his hand out to you.

A  sense of deja vu ran through your head as you remembered the last time he looked like this; hair down, make up on, fancy clothes and his hand outstretched to you.

"Do you trust me?~" Was his question then. And it was his question now.

"Haven't I always?" You smiled and placed your hand in his own. Gently, he slipped the ring onto your finger.

"Activate your nen and I'll see you in the game, my love~ Cheers!~" He smiled at you and in a flash, he and your sons were gone.

"Well... I did say I trusted him..." And with another flash, you and Chouko were also gone.

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