7: Chouko & Chrollo

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"It's not fair. I have a few weeks free to spend with my family and they leave me!~ Life is so cruel~" Hisoka was talking over the phone with Illumi, an assassin he thought of as his friend. Or at least a colleague.

"You know, I did not know you had a family until just now." Illumi responded emotionlessly.

"Well I do!~ Absolutely darling, too~ My cute little wife, Yumi~ My twin boys, Akio and Zenko~ And my precious daughter Chouko.~"

"Chouko? Like a butterfly?" Illumi was simply humoring the magician, who was uncharacteristically upset, even though it didn't sound like it.

"Yes, our butterfly baby~ Do you know how we chose it?~"

"No, I do not Hisoka." Illumi sighed. He didn't know how much longer he could handle this.

"The entire time Yumi was pregnant, Chouko was wiggling and she said it felt like butterflies in her stomach.~"

"Mm. Cute. Alright, well this has been particularly boring. Why don't you go look for them? You don't have your fight scheduled for what? Three weeks or more?"

"Yes, a truly delectable event~ But I suppose you are correct. I should begin my search while I can." Hisoka hung up the phone. However, he paused before putting it away. Perhaps it would be in his best interest to call all of their mutual friends in Glam Gas Land to see if they could help him.

Meanwhile, you were once again at your wit's end.

"Look, kids. We're here." You felt like you were going to pass out at any minute. Not only had you woken up so early this morning, but your kids were at one hundred percent.

"We're here! We're here!" Akio cheered.

"New friends! New hiding places! New toys!" Zenko cried out.

Chouko just cried. She was dying for Hisoka's attention and clearly you couldn't provide her with that right now. "Chrollo! Chrollo!!" You screamed out. Screw secrecy, you needed a nap.

"Has my favorite young wife come to call on me? You know Hisoka isn't here." Chrollo appeared in front of you as if by magic.

"Please. Take her. She needs a 'masculine touch' or something." You dangled your sobbing daughter out to the criminal.

Chrollo's eyes softened as he snatched your baby away from you. "Misses her Daddy Hisoka, eh? Well I sure hope I can do, for even just a moment. Huh, Chou-Chou?" Chrollo cooed at your daughter, who had stopped wailing and simply sniffled now.

"We're... playing hide and seek with him right now. So I'd appreciate if you didn't tell him we were here right now."

"Will do! Say, what do you say about me introducing the twins and little Chou-Chou here to the rest of the troupe? I promise they won't kill them."

"Whatever, as long as I can take a nap in your room. I'm exhausted." You kissed your sons heads. "Go with Chrollo, he's got tons of games for you to play. I'll be in that room, right there." You pointed at the door you were about to enter. "Come get me if you need me." The twins scampered off towards Chrollo. As you went into Chrollo's bedroom, you collapsed on the cot that was there. It was only seconds before your eyes closed and you drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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