9: Nap Time Interruption

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"Mission failed, hand the baby over." You tried to contain your laughter. You knew this was a rigged challenge because your children only allowed you and your husband to put them to bed.

Chrollo however, was a little disappointed. He had thought that after being able to calm Chouko when you were unable to meant he might be special. Yet time and time again, he was proven to not be Daddy. As the twins cried and cried and cried and the baby fussed, he eventually admitted defeat. As he slunk away, you let yourself smile at the fact that one might also say that you cheated when it came to nap time. Simply because of how your nen worked, it was also easy to put your children to sleep. Rocking Chouko as you sung a song of sleep to your sons, you felt your phone begin to buzz. Gently setting your daughter down in a makeshift bassinet, you left the room.

"Hello?" You answered the phone.

"I didn't think you would leave Glam Gas Land." Hisoka's voice was chilling.

"Well I did. It wouldn't be a very good game if we were easy to find."

"I'm not happy about it."

"Shocking. Truly, I'm shaking in revelation."

"Stop it. Let the babies finish their nap and come home." You swore you could almost feel the bloodlust come through the phone.

"Mmmmmm, no thanks. I don't like to lose. You're just lucky that I put them down at the same time every day. Perhaps next time I won't even answer the phone."

"Cut it out. I'm done playing around."

"Oh really? I just don't believe that because to me, you're always out playing around. In fact, it's basically what you do. No wonder everything thinks you're a clown instead of a magician. You certainly act more like one."

"You have no right to take the children from me."

"I'm not taking anyone from you. We're simply playing a high-stakes game of hide-and-seek. And you can either try your hardest to win, or accept your loss and let us move on."

"...Move on?"

Oh wow did that come out wrong. You thought to yourself. In no way were you prepared to leave your husband. It hadn't occurred to you that he might not bother trying to find you and what you might do in that circumstance.

"Yumi?~ My most precious wife?~" Hisoka put on his saccharine voice, indicating that he was now more than angry. He was sad and trying to cover it up.

"I'm... I'm sorry Bungee. I... don't want that to happen. Please, just come find us. Show me that we're more important than your work."

And with that, you hung up the phone. You weren't sure if you could stand your ground if you listened to your poor husband's fake happy voice anymore. But how could he leave your family like his own dollhouse, toys to play with only when he felt like it? You and your children had always been his number one priority, yet lately you felt second... third... maybe even last. It hurt. And that's when it occurred to you. Sad Hisoka was your Bungee. Hisoka who needed you was your Bungee. So, perhaps it was the fact that you needed him more than he needed you that enraged you to the point of running away. How pathetic. I'm really just jealous of the freedom he gave himself. He had the courage to leave Glam Gas Land to do whatever he wanted. I forced myself to stay here, with the excuse that I had to raise my children. But it isn't true. It's a wonderful experience for them to travel the world with me. The next thought you had was revolutionary. Perhaps when Bungee finds us, I can tell him that we can all travel together as a family now. He'd be okay with that, right?

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