16: Falling Apart

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"Danchou... Hisoka has arrived and he looks... unstable." Machi whispered to Chrollo.

"Unstable? How?" Chrollo didn't bother looking up from his book. He wasn't afraid of Hisoka.

"Machi~! Chrollo~! My least favorite people right now~! How are you, both~?" Hisoka stumbled up to the throne. He was exhausted. He was running out of time before he needed to be at Heaven's Arena, so he had decided to run low on sleep. And now his wife wouldn't answer her cell phone and his sons were scared of him.

"I'm fine, Hisoka. What do you want?"

"Well!~" He laughed out loud and ran his hand down half of his face and through his hair, which was down rather than slicked back. "You could both just die~ Does that sound good?~"

"No, Hisoka, that does not sound good." Chrollo let out a sigh and flipped his page. "Could you get on with it, please? You're making everyone tense."

"Where's my wife heading?" The smile fell off of his face. He was deadly serious when it came to this subject.

"Why do you care? Last time I heard, she decided you had a few too many secrets from her. I hope she relayed my message to you." Machi commented.

Suddenly however, she was stuck with bungee gum against the wall and Hisoka had a card against her neck.

"Next time you decide to misconstrue my intentions, you would do well to keep them to yourself. I am nothing but loyal to my wife. You are nothing to me. Don't forget it." Hisoka threatened her.

"We flip a coin to solve our problems here." Chrollo reminded him.

"No problem here, Danchou~" Hisoka cheered in a fake manner. "But I'm ready to fight you at any time for causing such problems~"

"I didn't cause any problems." Chrollo was fed up at this point and snapped his book shut. "You caused all of your problems. Your wife missed you so much that she ran here, to some of her only friends. And she discovered that she didn't know us. She knew nothing about us or what we did. Here I was, being called 'Dada' by your little 'butterfly baby' because she doesn't know who you are. I spent more time with her than you had. So you know what, Hisoka? No, I won't fight you because you don't deserve it. Just like you don't deserve your wife. In fact, maybe I'll just take her. Because we're thieves and we take what we want. Or have you forgotten that in your little charade?"

Hisoka looked at Chrollo defiantly, with a few tears running down his face. He turned to leave, knowing that he was wasting his time here now. "You will never replace me." He mumbled to himself as he pulled out his cell phone to try calling you again.

"And Hisoka?" Chrollo opened his book and continued reading.

He paused. "Yes, Danchou?"

"Don't forget the date."

"Of course not, Danchou."

And he shut the door behind him. He could barely walk away from the door before he collapsed onto the ground. He ran his hand through his hair and put his phone up to his ear.

"What now? I hope you have the time to explain yourself once agai--"

"Baby, please. Can we just talk like normal right now?" His voice quivered as he choked back his tears. If he heard one more thing about how awful of a person he was, he felt like he'd end it right then and there.

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