48: Strange Noises

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And for the next few weeks, he tried. And tried. And tried.

Sometimes he got close. Lips just inches away from yours, your eyes a little bit fuzzy from the intensity. Sometimes he was no where near; like when you asked him to perform endless meaningless tasks just to get him out of your sight.

Finally, he decided to say something. As he stood in the shower, he decided that he would march into your bedroom and demand to know if you had feelings for him or not. He was running out of time after all; the Troupe had found a nen exorcist inside of the game Greed Island. It was only going to be a few days until he got the message to go back to Meteor City and he wanted to have you before then. Of course, he didn't expect to date you, or even have a serious relationship at that point. But he wanted to confirm your affections; that way he could come back whenever he was done and continue courting you.

To him it was a perfect plan. He would have a ready-made family that he could go home to at any time. He would have a wife that was young enough to have plenty of his own kids. And he would get to rub it in that obnoxious clown's face that he was better than him.

He smiled as he rubbed soap all over his body. The conversation practically played in his head.

"Are you ready to fight me yet, Chrollo~" Hisoka would ask.

"I can't fight you. I'm afraid Yumi and my kids would be devastated if I even got a scratch on me." He would reply back slyly.

"Those are my kids!~" The rage would dance in Hisoka's eyes.

"Maybe the first three, but the next one is mine." And he would wink at this, having won.

"Yeah. Just like that." Chrollo smiled as he turned off the hot water. He was excited to get this opportunity; in fact, he was going to go put on some really nice clothes and do his hair so well for the conversation he wanted to have.

Wrapping a towel around his hips and looking at the window, he realized how late at night it was. The kids had long been put to bed and oddly enough, you had retreated into your room.

Walking into the hallway, Chrollo heard some noises from behind one of the doors. Concerned that it was the children, he decided to check in on them before proceeding to the guest room. Opening Chouko's door carefully, he only observed the little girl sleeping soundlessly in her crib. Shrugging, but still hearing the noise, he walked over to the twin's room. Peeking in there, he didn't see anything amiss: just your twins sleeping like little starfish on their beds.

Must be Yumi... I hope everything is alright. He thought to himself as he walked to the door. Without even knocking, he pushed the door open and saw before him a sight he would never be able to remove from his memories.

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