43: Let's End

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"This is it, Bungee. This is the end." You started slowly.

"I know." He gave you a look that showed he was trying to be strong; trying to hold it together.

"If it wasn't yesterday, then it's going to be tomorrow. Your work is going to kill you. I can't just sit here and wait for it." You shifted Chouko around in your arms awkwardly. "We can't just sit there and wait for it to happen. So I think..."

You stopped and suddenly looked down, trying to hold back your emotions.

"I think I'm done. I don't want to be married anymore. I can't." Your lips trembled.

"I know." His eyes portrayed the hurt within them clearly.

"You can see the kids whenever you want. You can take them to your apartment whenever you'd like. You will always be their father."

His eyes fluttered upward, trying desperately to do anything but cry. You looked at him and stayed quiet. He stayed quiet. Your baby stayed quiet. The only thing you could hear was your children in the background playing with the Troupe.

"Don't you have anything to say?" You laid your head against your baby's, who was about to fall asleep in your arms.

"I tied my own hands together, I did this all to myself. I don't know Yumi... I just... Are you going to see other people?" He ran his hand through his hair, taking some of the gel out and letting the pieces fall down.

"I might. You're welcome to as well." Looking at his eyes, you noticed he was avoiding eye contact with you.

"Could I win you back?" He chuckled to stop himself from choking up.

"...N-n-no" your dam broke and tears fell down your face. Hisoka stepped forward and held you and his little girl in his arms, stroking your hair and letting you cry into his chest. "I love you so much, Bungee. God, I just love you too much. I can't watch you die. I can't sit at home and wait for the news to show your dead body to me."

"I want to do better." He sniffed, drying his wet eyes in your hair. "Don't give up on me. I can do it."

"I'm sorry Bungee." You dried your own tears and stepped out of your husband's arms. "But I can't wait for you."

You turned away from him and walked towards your children, fixing your hair and wiping your eyes one last time. Stay strong. You thought to yourself. Walk away. You can do this. We can do just fine without him. We'll go back to Glam Gas Land and get back to life. The boys will go to school next year, and Chouko plus mystery baby will stay home with me. It will work. I can do it.

"Boys! Finish up playing and say good-bye to Daddy! We're going to go home." You called out and walked into the room, feeling everyone's eyes on you. It hadn't been loud, nor did it end with Hisoka destroying anything. The situation was rather peculiar.

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