34: Temper Tantrums

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"Look, I've been staying here for a week and the auction is tonight, isn't it possible to find a babysitter? I've literally called every service. I don't want to take my baby to an auction. Can't somebody help me?" You whined over the phone. "I'll literally pay anything."

"Look, lady, there's no one that isn't at one of the two auctions tonight. No one wants to stay in. I'm sorry."

"Two auctions? There's the regular one for all the rich people, right?"

"Yes and then the underground one with more questionable items. Both are fun. Both are safe. Everyone attends one or the other. So we do not have a babysitter, thank you and good day."

"Wa-- UGH! They hung up on me!" You looked over at your kids playing together on the rug. "Well I don't know if we can go at all, kids. No babysitter."

"No Ms. Abaki?" Akio looked up and asked.

"No toys?" Zenko looked up and asked.

"Ms. Abaki is back in Glam Gas Land and I'd get us some toys, but there's no one to watch over you both and Chouko."

"Can't we come?" Akio whined.

"I wanna goooo!" Zenko shrieked, throwing a temper tantrum as he fell to the floor and began screaming as he pounded his hands and feet into the ground.

"STOP IT!" Akio screamed at his brother.

Then, Chouko began to sob as well.

"Oh my... This is too much. Why did I ever leave Bungee? And on top of it, my period--"

"I WANNA GO MAMA! I WANNA GO AND YOU'RE A BIG MEANIE! I HATE YOU! I WANT DADDY!" Zenko screamed and screamed as you groaned into your hands.

"FINE!" You shouted back. "Fine. We'll all go. And we'll have to go shopping because I need a ball gown and you need suits and Chouko needs a dress. And I know how much you all love getting clothes." You rolled your eyes as your son and daughter continued to weep on the floor.

Then, your husband called.

"What, Hisoka?" You answered huffily.

"Sounds difficult over there~ Bet you wish your delightful husband was there~" He cooed.

"Spit it out. What do you want?"

"Are you in Yorknew City?~"

"Why would I tell you?" You had to raise your voice over the screams of your children and Akio hanging off of you.

"If you are, get out. The Troupe's coming." He tried to be very serious.

"Oh, the Troupe who adores our family? Uh-huh. Well thanks for the unnecessary warning, bye."

You hung up the phone and rolled your eyes. Whatever the Troupe was doing here, you were sure that it wouldn't have anything to do with your plans. But then again, you were a bit nervous about running into your husband.

"Change of plans, everyone. We will stay home tonight and I will find us toys tomorrow."

"BUT WHYYYYYY?" Zenko started up again and you lifted Akio into your arms.

"Everyone stop crying~ Let's stop our sniffles now~ I think we will have some fun~" You sung, overwhelmed at your children. Soon enough, their tears all stopped and they were forced into a calm state. "Okay, children, here's the plan for the night: I think we'll do some drawing and then maybe some baking and then bath time. Doesn't that sound lovely?"

"Yes, Mama." Akio hugged you tightly.

"See? I can be reasonable. Now, let's have a nice night."

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