40: This Is It

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"Ah~ How satisfying~ " Hisoka spoke to himself as he and the other Troupe members returned to base to celebrate the victory that had been this evening. As he grabbed his cell phone, he didn't bother to check for missed texts or calls. He knew if you needed him, you would call.

Meanwhile, you were racing at top speed towards the scene of the massacre. It couldn't be true. You thought in your head about your children. You had sung a nen song for the locking of their door, so you figured they would be safe even with a strange woman in the living room. You had then sung a nen song to make you run even faster. But you were getting tired.

Eventually, you did make it to the crime scene. Shoving your way to the front of the crowd, you scanned to see if you would find your husband's body. And you did. Along with only a few other members of the Phantom Troupe.

Your world came crashing down. As you fell to your knees you let out a bloodcurdling shriek of despair and called out for the love of your life. The cameras turned towards you.

"You're so FUCKED HISOKA!" Chrollo laughed outrageously as he watched the news on his phone. "Holy fuck, I'm going to get your wife."

If his head had whipped around any further, it would have snapped his spine.

"What are you talking about Danchou?~" The icy chill in his voice almost made Chrollo shiver. If he hadn't already been shivering in excitement. He wanted you.

Chrollo flipped his phone around and turned up the volume.

He saw you on the ground, crying, looking at his fake dead body.

"Oh fuck." The words barely left his mouth. He fell to the floor and put his face in his hands. He almost didn't want to call you. He knew this was it. It was over.

Slowly, he pulled his own cell phone out.

Wifey<3: Bungee

Wifey<3: Say something to me.

Wifey<3: Tell me you're alright.

Wifey<3: BUNGEE

Wifey<3: Come home. Please. Stop whatever it is that you're doing and come home.

His fingers trembled. He wasn't quite sure what to say now. But he had to say something.

Hisoka: We're at the hide-out. Will you come?

As you picked yourself up from the ground and began walking back, pondering what you would do with your life, you phone vibrated and you saw the message.

And you smiled. Your emotions were a roller coaster, but you knew one thing. This was it. Even if it didn't happen this time, this was what would be the end of Hisoka. Dead and leaving you behind. So this was it. You were going to cut it off now before you got even more attached. Before he realized he was going to be a father again. Before you could let him back in your life.

This was going to be the end.

You came back to the hotel and relieved the woman from her position on your couch. As you walked into your children's room, you noticed that Chouko was up and babbling, ready for a late night eating session.

The twins were deep asleep.

"We'll go see Daddy in the morning, huh Chouko? And that will be it. Then it'll just be us. You'll have to stop getting up so early." You smiled at her with a sad smile.

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