11: Crushed

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You didn't have to wait long for the call.

"Where are you?" He demanded again.

"Here's a hint of where I was. Machi told me that you're asking her out on dates. Chrollo told me that you're in the business of murdering." For once, the magician was speechless. He knew he was in trouble and immediately he felt his breathing become shallow. "Don't I feel stupid now?"

"I... I, uh, I can explain."

"Yeah, I think you better start or I'll never answer your calls again." Hisoka felt panic rise within him and he had to sit down. Soon enough, his eyes were watering and he was trying his best to get out his words.

"I, huh, I.. First, I guess, I was just... Asking Machi f-f-for dinner wasn't a date! I swear, I swear, I swear, you're the only one for me. She, her, the nen ability is just, uh, interesting, like very cool and, mmm..."

"Bungee." You said calmly. You sensed the absolute fear in his voice. "Spit it out."

Hisoka took a breath and tried to speak a little bit more clearly. "She is a nen specialist and h-has helped me out on more than one occasion. I wanted to thank her and ask her m-more about it." You decided to believe him. If not because his response was reasonable, then because you honestly couldn't fathom what you'd do if you found out he was cheating on you. Plus, you heard him sniffling on the other side of the line. He probably wouldn't be crying if he wasn't desperate to explain himself. But that was only half of the problem. The other half was the revelation that your husband was considered an avid murderer.

"Fine. Keep explaining. Is that what you go away to do? You kill people? Every time you explain your work to me, it's just round about and I'm never any closer to understanding."

"Where are the kids? It's nap time isn't it? Are you just saying this in front of them?"

"Yup. We're all sitting together. In fact," You put your phone on speaker and lowered the phone.

"Daddy!" Zenko cheered. "We miss you!"

Hisoka put his head in his hands. He wasn't doing well finding you and now his kids missed him.

"Daddy, why do you kill people? That's mean." Zenko stated. "That's bad guy stuff. And we're good guys."

"Are you going to kill us?" Akio came to a sudden realization.

Oh, no. Too far. This was a terrible idea. You immediately thought as Zenko's face twisted up. Immediately your son began wailing and you snatched him up to coddle him. Chouko was on your back, also beginning to get upset from her brother's feelings. Immediately, you took the phone off of speaker and put it up to your ear. "And this is what you caused." You spat at Hisoka, even knowing full well that it was your own doing.

"Zenko! Zenko!" Hisoka quickly stood up and yelled into the phone. "Yumi, put him back on the phone!"

"He's scared of you. He doesn't want to talk to you!" You yelled back in the phone. "None of us do. Try again later!" And you quickly hung up to try and fix the mess you created.

"NO!" Hisoka screamed out and punched the nearest tree to him, shattering it into pieces. He tried calling you back, but your phone was shut off. He knew his next destination. He was going to go to the Phantom Troupe before he went to Heaven's Arena for his fight.

"Shh, shh, shh... Zenko, baby, Daddy would never, ever, EVER, hurt us." You held him close and rocked him back and forth. What happened next, however, surprised you. Akio came up and hugged his brother.

"I'll protect you, Zeni."

"Everyone protects each other, baby. That's what family is. Even Daddy. Even if he hurts other people to do it." It was another few minutes before you finally got everyone calmed down. Although you really needed to get moving again, you decided lunch was going to come next. All of this emotion had really worked up your appetite.

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