54: Coming Back Home Together

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It wasn't long before you could go home. In reality, you had only lost perhaps ten percent of your blood— a class one hemorrhage. It was only about as much as one might lose when they donate blood, but the shock of it was enough to stress your body to the maximum. And it really did a number on your husband.

As he held your hand and hailed a cab to take you both home, he felt your body lean fully against him. Rotating, he moved to fully embrace you and hold you close to him.

When the cab approached, he opened the door for you and slid in after you. After giving directions to the driver, he held you close to him once again. He wasn't going to let go. Not again.

The ride was short and quiet, and once you finally arrived back at your house, you felt more tired than ever. Hisoka paid the driver and then walked up to the door with you. It was late at night and you thought your children would be asleep. But you were completely wrong.

Walking into the door you were assaulted by two little red heads and you heard to screech of a tiny blonde.

"Aren't you all supposed to be sleeping?~ Were you good for Chrollo?~" Hisoka picked up both of the twins and kissed them both as they laid on his shoulders.

"Yeah." Zenko answered curtly.

"No!" Chrollo stood up and walked over to you to hand you Chouko. "I'm not cut out for this. I couldn't get them to eat anything but snacks, then they just did whatever they wanted, they refused to take a nap AND to go to bed and of course, they were like two small tornados knocking everything over. I spent the whole day just trying to keep up."

You laughed as you brushed your daughter's crazy looking hair with your fingers.

"Welcome to my world. Thank you though, Chrollo. You were a life-saver." You nodded at him as your twins reached out to you.

"Well, I like to change it up sometimes." He winked at you and grabbed his satchel. "But I must be off. I hear I've got a nen exorcist waiting for me. Thank you, Hisoka. Perhaps I will see you again?"

"I'm sure you will~ Now, please~ Get out of my house." He smiled as his sons laughed.

"Bye-bye Chrollo!" They chimed together.

"Bye-Bye Lolo!" Chouko shouted back.

As Chrollo left, you broke out into a big sigh.

"It's bed time. Mama's had a long, long day. But I am feeling much better now." You began the walk upstairs to your room, Hisoka following behind diligently. Although she was too big for it, you decided to let Chouko sleep in the bassinet next to the bed that night. After all, it was her first full day away from you and the least you could do was let her sleep with you.

The twins also crawled in to bed with you, despite Hisoka's secret wish to sleep close to you.

As you turned the light off, you heard something small and sad. Zenko was trying to silently cry while Hisoka held him closely in his arms.

"Daddies are supposed to protect their family. Mama, Akio and Chouko coulda gotten hurt while you were gone. I'm not big enough to protect them from everything."

"And you don't have to be, Zeni, my love~ I will always be here when you need me most~" Hisoka whispered as he stroked his son's hair. "I'll stay with you. I'll be the best daddy ever. I'll only leave for work when I have to and I'll let you know exactly when I come back. Is that a deal for you?~"

Sniffling, he felt his son nod his head.

"And for you, my most precious Yumi?~"

"That's a deal for me."

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