15: Visiting the Zoldycks

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But someone did love your twins. And that someone was Silva Zoldyck.

"My favorite almost identical twins! Come give me a hug!" Silva kneeled down and held out his arms to both of your boys. Both ran over to provide Silva with some affection. He always had an affinity for Akio and Zenko. Perhaps he was just more comfortable with boys, but he always seemed to ignore your daughter.

Kikyo however, more than made up for this lack of attention. "Give me the baby! Oh, Chouko, my love, come to me!" She screeched as she held her arms out to receive your daughter.

Happily, you handed over the grumpy toddler to Kikyo. That's when you noticed another presence in the room. "And who is this stranger in the room, Kikyo?" You nodded towards the ominous presence, watching as Kikyo cooed to Chouko and the twins took turns being thrown into the air by Silva.

"That's just our eldest son, Yumi. Pay him no mind, he's not a fan of... children." Silva rolled his eyes, as if the man was nothing but a bother.

"Is it... Illumi?" You asked politely as he stepped out of the shadows. "Hisoka has mentioned you."

"Yes. You must be Hisoka's 'cute little wife' as he puts it. He is quite upset about your absence. He keeps calling me. Why do you think I wouldn't call him now and tell him where you are?" Illumi threatened. He was quite sick of the whole ordeal.

"Because I was promised by your parents that my staying here would remain a secret. And their promise is your promise." You rolled your eyes at Illumi. He was so much of a hassle, it was unbelievable. "You're just as high maintenance as Hisoka said you were."

"H-High maintenance?!" Illumi was taken aback. What a rude thing to be said of him! "Well at least I'm not obsessed with preteen boys, like your husband is! The entire last mission, I had to practically pry him off of my brother and the boy who hung around him. It was disgusting. I cannot believe you would allow him to procreate. Is he as disgusting towards his own kids? Because I could understand your running away then." Illumi was so irritated, he couldn't help but let the insults fly. "And don't even get me started on the amount of unnecessary killing he did! It's like anyone who looked at him ended up in a pool of blood. He must have killed at least fifty people in total, whereas I only killed one. Why would you even want to be with a psycho like that."

"Stop being mean to Daddy!" Akio cried out from behind Silva.

"Yeah, stop it! No one can be mean to Daddy but us!" Zenko added in from Silva's shoulder. You laughed at that, but you were also upset. Instead of yelling however, you looked down at your feet and clenched your fists. Even if this was the truth, Illumi had no right to say such awful things about your husband.

"Please stop ruining our friend's visit, Illu." His mother cooed to the baby, as to stop upsetting her.

"He called me high-maintenance." Illumi moped.

"You're an assassin, Illumi. Get over it." Silva glared at him. "Alright boys, what do you want to play?"

"Hide and seek!" Zenko cheered out. Silva smiled at this. He was certain that the boys would have a lot of fun playing in his massive house.

"Oh, let me invite Kallu as well, my dearest husband. He does love to hide." Kikyo added. "Kallu! Come here, my love." Instantly, he appeared in front of her.

"Would you like to play hide and seek with Akio, Zenko and Papa-san?" She asked as she cuddled Chouko even closer. He nodded in return and looked over at them. They looked pretty young to play with, but it just meant that he would probably win.

Meanwhile, Hisoka was just walking into the Phantom Troupe's base.

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