73: Responsible Play

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You had to struggle not to laugh; that belt was definitely too small, but it served its purpose. In fact, you had to look away from your husband to keep a straight face. But eventually, you did get him tied up to each post of the bed until he was completely vulnerable.

Straddling his thick thighs, you placed the deck of cards on his chest, which was already beginning to heave in anticipation. But you weren't anywhere near that. Instead, you leaned down and licked around Hisoka's nipple, causing him to squirm.

"Mmf mibbles!" He laughed as his body wiggled with the little leeway it had.

You smiled up at him sweetly and then bit down.

"MMMGHPFF!" His eyes water and closed as his body desperately tried to shield itself.

"Shut up, dear husband. No one wants to hear what you have to say." You smiled at him as you kissed and sucked on his poor, abused body part.

He couldn't help but moan through his binding and threw his head back.

You retracted, leaving a thin line of spit connecting you and and his body. As he watched you sit back up, his eyes clouded with lust and he whined.

"What's wrong, Hiso~love?" You looked down and saw his member straining against the hard plastic that it was encased in. "Does it hurt?" You gave him a fake frown.

He nodded enthusiastically.

"Poor baby. But you like it, don't you? You're a sick bastard, Hisoka and I'm afraid I'm going to have to treat you like one." You trailed a finger down his chest, making sure to push your nail in just enough to scratch him.

You thought perhaps his neck might break with how much nodding he was doing. But it didn't matter; you were enjoying yourself.

As you lifted a card off of his chest, you looked at it in wonder.

"Ah, queen of hearts; ironic, no?" You laughed. You did the usual shtick next; dragging it down his abs with it soft and then against flat side down once you hardened it. But then, as you watched his straining against everything confining him, you decided to do something different. "I'm going to carve my name into you!"

You smiled again as you flipped the card on it's side in your hand. Then, you laid it right above him hip.

"Are you ready, darling?" You smiled at him sadistically and watched his eyes roll back in his head as you pressed it into him.

Each letter of your name you pushed harder and harder, never going so deep as to sever anything, but deep enough that it was getting hard to see with the blood oozing out. And you couldn't even hear your own thoughts over the moans your husband desperately wanted to make. Finally, on the second to last letter, you noticed his own fluids leaking out of the belt. You grinned a large grin and finished up your work.

Then, his noise changed. You quickly looked up and him motioning towards his hand with his eyes shut very tightly. He was signing "I love you"; your agreed upon safe signal. You had both a safe word, and a safe signal that meant that everything needed to stop immediately; something necessary for anything that could cause pain.

Instantly you dropped the card and began undoing and loosening everything on his body. Once he was free, you laid next to him and pulled him close.

"Are you okay, Bungee? Everything okay?" You stroked his hair as he laid on your chest and breathed in your smell.

"That belt was so fucking painful." He groaned. "I liked it once, but I don't think I'd do it again. Or at least, I'd need a bigger one."

"Alright, my lovely husband, I hear you. Now what say you that we clean you up and go to sleep? After all, you're going to have a busy day tomorrow."

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