23: The Fight Begins

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Hisoka was not in the mood to fight this kid... Kastro or something. Instead, he was frustrated about having lost your tracks again. But he didn't want to lose his apartment or the respect his opponents had for him. Ever since he had killed your father he had had these... feelings. Feelings that he couldn't ignore. He wanted to protect you and your children from everything. One way to do that was to ensure that he was the strongest. This was a good place to gauge that type of thing. He groaned as the announcer began. But he quickly hid that groan with a cocky smile.

"The long-awaited rematch between Hisoka and Kastro!"

"I'm very grateful, Hisoka. I never used my full strength in any of the nine matches after my loss to you." Kastro mused. You took your seats, facing Hisoka's back. You figured it would be more fun if he noticed you part of the way through. You just had to keep your aura down.

"Begin!" The referee announced. Kastro rushed towards Hisoka and swung. It looked like it would have been easy to dodge, but somehow Hisoka was struck.

"Da--!" You covered Zenko's mouth.

"Shhh. This is just pretend, remember. Anything you see is just for show. But we don't want to distract him too much until he notices us." You said quietly.

"A clean hit!" The announcer yelled in surprise.

"Give me your best shot, Hisoka!" Kastro looked serious, yet accomplished as he declared this.

"Kastro is the one to land the first strike!" Hisoka wiped his face as he listened to the announcer's play-by-play.

"I'm not the same person I was two years ago." Kastro reminded Hisoka.

Me neither. You thought to yourself.

"You'll have my best shot when I deem it necessary~" Hisoka taunted him into attacking him. Kastro flew up in the air towards him, hitting him with the same move as before. But Hisoka was in the zone now and he dodged and jumped around the arena, not allowing Kastro a clean shot.

"You're wrong!" Kastro screamed as he forced Hisoka into allowing him another clean hit and knockdown. You were surprised as the referee announced this. From all that you had heard, you figured that Hisoka was some kind of fighting god. But right now he was getting bashed around the arena, making you worry that even though you had told your children that this was pretend-- a simple white lie-- that it might get a little bit graphic. Hisoka laid face first on the ground as the referee asked if he could continue. He looked up at him and gave him a wicked smile a he stood up.

"You seemed to disappear... No, that is not an accurate description."

"I'll take your arm with my next strike." Kastro declared as he activated his nen. It was quite an impressive show of strength. "Here I come!"

"Go ahead and take it." Hisoka held his arm out.

No... he wouldn't... You thought worriedly as you held your children close.

"Either way, I'll take it!" Kastro screamed. Suddenly he appeared behind Hisoka. "Your other one." And off it flew into the air, severed halfway between his forearms.

"This was just part of the plan." Hisoka mumbled.

"BUNGEE!" You stood up and screamed.

She's here.

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