45: Chrollo Comes Over

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"Chrollo? What are you doing here?" You opened the door to your home in Glam Gas Land.

"I figured you might need a little help at your home, adjusting. I thought that I could come over and assist you in whatever way you found necessary-- Holding Chouko, playing with Chouko, feeding Chouko..." He smiled at you. "Cooking, cleaning, et cetera."

You laughed at him. In reality, you didn't actually need any help. You had been doing everything by yourself for quite a while now. Having just returned to your home in the last week, life even seemed a bit more calm than it had before. You had just been wondering why you had even wanted Hisoka back home in the first place.

"What about your Troupe?" You asked, moving aside to let Chrollo come in.

"I left them." He mentioned nonchalantly. As if the Troupe hadn't been his whole life up until now. "At least for a hiatus."

"Mm. You know, Hisoka texted me maybe two days after I left and told me that he had left the Troupe as well. Did that have anything to do with you?"

"Ah, I suppose. But that's such unpleasant talk. I came here to help you. Not talk about you ex-husband." He waved his hand dismissively as he entered your living room, stepping over the mountain of toys.

"Well the kids are sleeping right now but the twins are probably going to get up soon. I don't think I'll be able to make them take naps much longer." You sat down on the couch. "I'm so much more exhausted lately. No matter how many times my friend Abaki comes over to watch the kids, I never seem to get enough sleep. It's just the state I'm in I suppose."

"Hmm." Chrollo hummed as he sat next to you on the couch. "Well what can I do for you? Chrollo Lucilfer at your service, madam."

You took note as he slung his arms over the back of your couch, and simultaneously behind your body. But you were too tired to care. In fact, you looked at Chrollo more deeply and examined his body and his clothes.

He was out of character today; no parka, no hair grease. He wore a simple black v-neck tee-shirt which was just tight enough to show off his muscles. You bit your lower lip... Muscles had always been your thing.

What am I thinking? I literally just left my husband. It must be the stupid baby hormones. You shook your head and sighed.

But Chrollo saw it all. He saw your gaze lingering over him. He saw your teeth push into your soft, plump-looking lip. And he noticed how you pulled back, sighing. It fired him up.

He turned to face you even more, inching just a smidgen closer.

"I could rub your feet even. Your ankles look a tad swollen. It must be hard to be on your feet all day." He gave you a smoldering look, hoping you would give in.

"Yeah that always happens when I'm--" You stopped abruptly. No way were you going to admit your pregnancy to Chrollo right now. You did not want Hisoka to know at all. "Chasing after three kids." You recovered well. But not well enough.

"Either way, please, allow me to help."

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