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We land and pick up our bags, we go out of the airport; the weather out here is so nice I could only imagine the winter here, the warmth on my skin feels so good, its not to humid out here which in New York it would feel like when you stepped outside like you stepped into a steam room. We called a taxi the taxi came within ten minutes which was awesome, we put our bags into the truck and got inside the cab.

"Hello welcome, where too?" The taxi man said with an Indian accent.

"The Resort." I say with so much excitement. The car ride was long about 2 hours and I watched as every mile the cash when up $5 when we were almost there our meter was up too $950.00! I only have $2,000 with me and thats to pay for my food and shit!

"Its okay ill pay." Avery said like she already knew what i was thinking.

"No Avery, its so much!" I really want her to pay but i have to act like I can't let her do that not be greedy. Avery shakes her head.

"I got 20 grand from josh." She whispers in my ear and the cab driver looks at us in his mirror, but then quickly looks away.

"So where are you two come from?" The cab driver asks.

"New York." I say and he nods.

"Well my name is Baillie, very very nice meeting you girls, be careful people know you two have money they take trust me, I drive drug people." He says.

"Really? Well thank you so much for that, so Baillie tell us where are you from?" I ask.

"India, I have little girl name is Ananda, my beautiful wife named Fulguni." He says with a proud smile on his face. Me and Avery smile at him.

"How old is your daughter?" Avery asks.

"15." He answers proudly which is so sweet.

"Oh that's awesome." She says.

"So what are your names?" He asks, I would've argued and said don't trust stranger but he basically told us everything.

"Were both 18 and my name is Avery her name is Morgan." She says and he nods.

"Are you two friends?" He asks. I nod.

"No were sisters." She corrects and I nod again. He then also nods, what a great nodding moment. I silently laugh at my stupid joke.

"Well, very very nice meeting you two we are here now have a beautiful day and be safe." He say we wave goodbye, pay him money but we pay him 2 grand just for his niceness. We enter the hotel and our mouths drop to the floor (drop it drop it low girl drop it low low sorry had too! Okay continue lol) the lobby was so beautiful it had glass flowers all over the place, it was like a huge garden but with big butterflies, it was like we were ants to be honest.

"We better close our mouths before flies fly in them and in this place it might be a huge one." Avery joked we both laughed closed our mouths and went to the front desk.

"Hello! How may I help you two ladies?" The man behind the desk assisted us.

"Um we have a room booked." I say

"Okay, Whats the name?" The man said smiling. I look at his name tag and it had Tyler written on it.

"Umm.. Morgan Holder." Tyler typed my name into the computer.

"Ahh yes Miss Holder you have a suite at the very top." My eyes widened as did Avery's, a suite wow my mom I can't believe her she's so amazing, but where did she get the money for this? I ignore the question.

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