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About an hour passed since I left Harry i thought he was going to come back? Where was he? I got up and walked over to the water to see if I could find him. When I get there i don't see him. So i walk around a little until I hear a familiar voice, as i look i can see a curly brown haired boy standing with a group of girls.. Wow so thats what he left me for.

I should of known better than to let myself actually fall for him. Hes famous, girls are going to be all over him no matter where he goes.

I mean why would he like me? Or even care about me? Im ugly and to skinny.. I mean i try to gain weight but i have a high metabolism so no use there. I stand there for a minute until Harry turns his head and sees me.




As I look over i see Morgan I wonder how long she was there for? Shit.

"Morgan!!" I yell and walk towards her. As i get closer she starts to walk away and i start running.

"Morgan!! please!! Morgan stop!!" I yell and she starts to run. Ugh fuck why did she have to see that i mean i know whats shes thinking but nothing happened. They just wanted a picture and an autograph. Finally she stops to grab her towel and purse and i try to run to catch her.

"Morgan please." I say grabbing her wrist she flinched under my touch.

"Let go of me!" she says trying to pull out of my grasp.

"No please let me explain." I say literally begging.

"Why?! Theres nothing to explain i saw everything. You left all pissed off and then you went to those girls." She says and i can see her eyes glossing over.

"Thats not what happened Morgan I swear." I try to explain

"No its okay Harry I understand because i saw those girls they were perfect they were beautiful and not so skinny so please dont apologies because i understand that they are wayy better." She says and im so shocked she doesnt think she pretty? Or perfect?

"What?" I say

"God Harry you heard me perfectly."

"I know but why do you think that?"

"Because ive been single for my whole life, Im a senior and ive never been asked to a dance or anything, Ive never been to homecoming or any school dance, also ive never had anybody have a crush on me." She says slowly and tears start to rush down her face.

"Morgan. Thats not true at all." I say and pull her closer to me and hug her.

"You are perfect Morgan and im sorry for leaving you like that, but i did not leave you for those girls, When I was with those girls i was thinking non stop about you. I like you morgan, You are beautiful and you are not to skinny, your body is just perfect and i dont care if you have cuts, Your body is beautiful, I know i just met you but for some reason it feels perfect just standing here with you." I say and all of a sudden my insides feel all twisted. What the fuck is this feeling? I feel her smile against my bare chest. She looks up at me and i was right about her smiling but it wasnt a full smile it was just a little half smile.

"Really?" She asked

"Yes really." I answer. I look at her and wipe her tears. We then grab our stuff and head to a restaurant called BEACH HOUSE. When we walk in i can see Morgans eyes go big its actually really cool looking in here. We take a seat at a booth and a waiter brings us two menus, as the waiter wrights down what we want to eat, I notice that he's staring at Morgan the whole time. I guess Morgan doesnt notice at all shes to busy looking at what she wants to drink.

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