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Morgans pov:

"Morgan!!" I hear my mom yelling what the fuck? Its only 7am why is she waking me up at this time? I ignore her and try to fall back asleep. As soon as I fall back to sleep my mom came rushing into my room

"Morgan wake up!!" She said as she stood at my door, I huff and groan.

"Ugh!! Mom its to early!" I yell

"Well you need to pack for California." She said with a smile on her face.

"So? why do i have to wake up so damn early to pack?" I say grumpy, I mean its so early, I hate waking up early on summer.

"Well, I sorta want to spend time with my daughter before she leaves me for 3 months and we might not have much time." My heart drops when she says that, as much as I hate talking about it or bringing it up it was true. I sighed.

" I'm sorry Mom, I'm up now. Can you make me breakfast please?" I begged and did puppy dog eyes, she came over to me and slapped my arm playfully.

"Yeah just be done packing by 1." My mom said with the biggest smile on her face.

"Alright, and mom?" I call, she looks at me and nods.

"Don't talk like that you will be here when I come back." I say she tried to argue.

"No! Were not allowed to talk about it! Be positive mommy!" I say and my voice cracks a little, she has tears down her face as she gives me a hug and kiss before she leaves, God I hate how my mom brings up that subject, it won't happen at all, the doctors said its gone and doctors are always right.





Its 11am and i finished packing, so i have 2 hours to get ready still. Well I guess Ill take a shower, I grab my clothes and a towel.

"Mom ill be in the shower if you need anything!!" I yell. As i get inside the bathroom I turn the water on; get undressed, as i step inside the shower I stand under the water the hot water on my skin feels so good and i can feel my muscles loosen. I shampoo and condition my hair; when I'm about to wash my body my phone starts to ring, but I dont answer it. When I finish shaving I rinse off then turn off the water; dry off my body then get dress. I checked my phone and i see Avery called me, I try to call her back but it goes straight to voice mail. As I walk into the living room I find Avery sitting on my couch with my mom.

"Hey Avery." I say surprised to see her. She and my mom looks up both with tears in their eyes.

"Honey... Avery needs to talk to you." My mom said frowning. What's wrong Avery looks terrible like she hasn't slept in days. She has dark circles under her eyes and she's shaking.

"Avery lets go to my room." She looks at me I can tell shes been crying and as she looks at me her eyes are glossy like shes about to cry. So i go over to her help her up and hugged her. She started sobbing in my shoulder. Shes shaking the poor thing is terrified, but why? Then I think about the phone call last night.

"Avery C'mon lets go." We go into my room and she lays on my bed and I lay next to her. She rolls over and hugs me.

"Hey shhhh, its okay Im here your safe I promise." I kiss her forehead and she hugs me even tighter. What the fuck happened to her!?

"Baby what happened? We call each other baby sometimes just our little friend thing.

"J-Josh he b-beat m-me." She started crying even harder. My heart drops why would you want to beat this beautiful girl?

"We broke up I told him I was done with him look what he did too me." She lifted her shirt off, I saw cuts and bruises all over and then she took off her pants and I saw her legs and thighs had bad cuts and a hand print on her face. She was beaten so badly, I run and hug her even though she's in her bra and panties I don't care she has been abused, I wonder if her dad knows? I'm pretty sure he doesn't, or else Josh would be dead right now and Avery's dad would be in jail.

"OH MY GOD!!! WHY DID HE DO THIS!? I was so pissed but instead of anger tears sadness replaced it.

"I don't know why?" She whispered her eyes slowly closing and re-opening telling me she was exhausted.

"Awe baby im so sorry, I wish i was there Im sorry i didnt answer your phone call." I say crying even harder.

"Please no more apologies I'm so scared please." She said holding my pillow up to her chest it was silent for a while, I tried to comprehend everything that was seriously happening right now I went to speak but when I looked over,  She slowly closed her eyes, She fell asleep I got up, I pulled my covers over her and kissed her forehead; I silently said a prayer over her and shut off the lights and left the room.







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