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I walk out of Morgans room, and see this guy still laying here. Pussy. I grab his hand and pull him up, i push him against the wall.

"How do you know her!?" I yell. He only holds his stomach were the knife is, i roll my eyes and pull it out, he breaths normal and the blood stops, and his cut heals. I only know how that happens, he's been up to no good.

"So what did you do?" I ask.


"Dont fucking lie a cut wont just heal like that, unless you messed with the devil himself." I say.

"You know?"

"Yup, made a deal myself, but that was a long ass time ago." I say.

"So, your out of the deal?"

"Yeah i am."


"Well i sacrificed something."


"What's it to you?!"

"Nothing, I just need to know so i can get out the deal."


I stand in the house where im suppose to do this, i bring her up here, i tell her were playing a game, i take salt and draw a star with a circle around it. I tell her to stand in the middle of it, i light the candles, i take my blood and put it in the middle of the star, i tell her i love her kiss her then slowly burn her, she tries to leave but the spell is done, she cant move, i tell her I'm sorry and that i wish i wouldn't of fell in live with her. I watch her slowly melt away, this is going to scar me for life. I get a rush threw me and i see my mum.

No.. I wont do it, i wont kill my mum. Then my mom is in the circle, i see my self burning her, i cant stop, i like the feeling, but the tears are burning, im screaming for my mom to leave but she cant hear me, shes slowly burning away, until shes finally gone along with my wife.

I just burned my own mother and wife with my own two hands.


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