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I wake up and hear a beeping noise, I look around my surroundings. Im surrounded by white walls. As i look up I see a blonde boy sitting down with his head in his hands.

"Niall?" I whisper my throat hurts really badly.

I guess he didnt hear me. I get up out of bed and a sharp pain comes to my side I ignore it.

I walk over to Niall, I tap his shoulder he still doesn't look up. What?

"Niall?" I try to say a little louder. He still doesnt. What the heck, am I even speaking?

I grab Nialls hands and move them away, as I do this he falls to the ground, I walk slowly over to him, I see a big blood stain on his shirt I flip him over to see why he has a blood stain, I see a knife shoved into his liver. My heart begins to pound faster and faster.

His eyes are opened, he has no pulse. I begin to scream for help, when I scream nothing came out. Minutes passed but it felt like hours had passed.

I dont cry, I dont feel anything I just have this big hole in my heart. Why is everything in my life so bad?

First my kids and now the guy that I loved. I know I could trust him, he was the best thing that happened and the worst thing.

He made me feel happy, feel safe, feel like i mattered in life. I wanted to kill myself at one point in my life, I was with Josh at the time and I hated life. Yet some how and i don't know why some how i just couldn't leave him?

Niall that day on the ride he told me he liked me for me. He told me he would wait for me. He said he would always be there for me.

He was right he never lied to me. He was there when i lost my kids when I was at my worst state, even though he didn't understand why he never gave up on me. I probably dont deserve him, but i was to selfish to keep him away from me.

But now in front of me was the body of Niall Horan, the dead body of Niall Horan. I dont know how or why? This happened?

But it did and now i have to go the rest of my life without him, his caring self, his stupid jokes, his amazing irish accent, the way he told me sweet things in my ear.

Even though i didnt know him long he was the perfect man for me. I realize to my self.

Im in love with Niall Horan.






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