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I wake up to a pretty girl next to me, with curly black hair, she giggles and that smile is really pretty. I smile were both naked last night was kinda hard to remember.

"Why do you keep staring at me Harry?" Alexia asks. I just smile and laugh, she comes on me and kisses me our both naked body's and hers is amazing, but not as perfect as Morgan's. Alexia is beautiful but not as beautiful as Morgan, the way Alexia kisses is nothing compared to Morgan, sounds a bit harsh i know but I'm in love with Morgan ill do anything for her. My phone buzzes and I pull away from Alexia she whines, while I'm on the phone to keep Alexia quite I stick my fingers in here and thrust them in and out, she moans but quietly finally she's quite.

"Hello?" I say. I don't hear anybody just moans and curses. I snarl my nose and hang up, fucking Niall needs to stop sex dialling me. Alexia grabs my dick and shoves it inside her and rocks her hips on me, I pull out even though it felt good I'm not in the mood, I stand up get dressed grab my keys and leave. I get inside my car and drive away, i don't know where yet but I don't care. I can't stop thinking about Morgan 3 months, 3 fucking months she's been gone now, me and Alexia hooked up when I was at my worst stages, I like Alexia but I don't love her. My car won't go and I'm stuck now, just like my life I'm stuck with her, she was my weakness, my strength. I tried finding her but I couldn't I even came back to this shit hole of New York. But i'm done I can't find her I'm going back to London.


"Mmmm ahh ooo Niall." This whore in front of me moans, i thrust in and out of her we both become undone I grab my clothes get dress and leave. I'm in Vegas, home of the drugs and strippers. I walk down this alley and I run into a couple of my 'buddied' lets say.

"Niall!" They yell but I ignore them until I feel a sting to my face and I'm on the floor.

"Where's my money!?" He yells

"I told ya I would have it tomorrow."

"Haha" they all laugh.

"Tomorrow?" He says sternly I nod and he kicks me in my rib cage, over and over again I start puking blood, he punches me in my face and kicks me in my groins. I'm puking so much blood I cant breath, I see him pull out a shinny thing he points it at me, its a gun.

"Your lucky I don't kill you, Check his pockets boys." They all check my pockets, shit their going to find my money. They find all the cash.

"Mmmhm Soo your a liar too mr irish guy." He kicks me one last time and everything goes black.


I wake up in a bed, a comfortable bed actually. I see a girl walk in the room, she smiles.

"Your finally awake?" I nod to this mysterious girl.

"How are you feeling?"

"Um a little sore but okay. Who are ya?" I ask. She chuckles a little.

"I'm Jackie. I found you almost dead in the streets so I took you home, not like in a creepy way." She says, and it sounds familiar, Jackie? I smile.

"You didn't kidnap me because I wouldn't pay for that Bruno concert did ya?" I ask. She laughs.

"Well, no but you can thank me later for that." She chuckles, I smile and A sharp pain hits my stomach, I start throwing up blood, Jackie starts yelling something in Spanish, but everything turns black. I hear voices then I see a light, but not just a light a light so bright and there's something in that light, with wings? Maybe more like an angle I guess. Does that mean? I don't hear anymore voices and no more pain, i feel safe warm and I hear the loudest of music playing, I see a golden gate that says, welcome home.



2 weeks ago I got a phone call from this strange girl names Jackie, but it wasn't just another fan, she pronounced that Niall was dead. She said she found him in an alley way beat up blood everywhere. Then she tried to take care of him but he died. His funeral is tomorrow. I don't think I can do this, Alexia tried to cheer me up but she couldn't. I pick up my phone and call Morgan. She doesn't answer so I leave a voice mail.

"Hey Morg." My voice cracks.

"Look, I know were on that no talking zone but, I need you. Um something Happened and And-" I start breaking down in tears.

"Morgan N-Niall h-he's gone, He- he died about a week or t two ago." I cry into the phone.

"Sorry but there is no more time for this voice message goodbye." The line goes dead, I pick up the lamp and throw it against the wall. I storm out the room get a taxi, tell him the nearest airport.

"Harry right?" The guy says.

"Mm yeah."

"Look man you seem like a nice guy but I'm sorry." He says, huh sorry? For what?

"Zayn wants me to tell you that Morgan and Avery are dead. So now its your time, before you die I want to say I'm sorry, and that Morgan was crying and screaming for you when Zayn killed her, he did it slow and torched her, I also helped killed them, so I'm sorry mate." He says and it takes me a minutes to get this threw my head, before I could the driver jumped out the car and I hit a wall, I'm still alive until I hear a sound like a falling sound, the car is falling It hits water, I catch all my breath and the whole car is under water, I try to get out but I can't open the door, come on harry think think. The driver window is open i try to swim over to it, but I lose all my breath, I don't let myself lose hope yet, I swim out of the window, I try to swim out the water but my jeans are stuck in the door, My vision is starting to go out. Before I know it I black out, I see Niall? He's smiling. There's a golden gate that says welcome home. I can breath again but then people in wings surround me, Including Niall. I'm dead.

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