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Its 3 in the morning, where the hell is harry? He told me he would be back in an hour? I try to call him but its goes straight to voice mail. I huff in frustration, Morgan don't cry, he's coming back. To calm myself i turn on the T.V

"So Zayn Malik? Last time we seen you was when Harry was with you, is that correct?"

"Erm, yeah it is."

"So where is this super pop star at?"

"Haha well he's actually out right now, with a girl to be specific."

"So he's with Morgan?" The lady asks.

"No actually he's with Kendal. He cane over today all mad saying he cant handle Morgan anymore, that he doesn't love her, he was done, i tried to talk some since into him, but he wouldn't listen moments later Kendal and him were talking she came over, he took her into a room and all you could hear was moaning, he kept saying he loved her, then after their little sex scene they took off. I haven't seen or heard of him since."

"Well, well, well, so Harry has been a naughty boy hasn't he? Well, Morgan must be heart broke-" I turned off the tv and threw the remote against the screen. He wouldn't? Would he? Why would Zayn lie? Moments later i hear a banging sound on my door. I dont answer it, it opens and i see a tall brown headed boy. No, it cant be, why would he come back?? Harry cokes closer to me and hugs me kisses me, i push at his chest.

"What? Morgan? Whats wrong?" He says his face is filled with complete confusion. My tears spill even more.

"How could you!? Was she good? Was she better than me?! Was that whore better to you then I am??!!"

"Morgan, what are you talking about?" He looks sad and angered at the same time, why is he sad? Does he feel bad for fucking that bitch last night?

"Don't play with me Harry, dont act like you didnt have sex with that bitch of Kendal last night!"

"What? I haven't seen or talked to Kendal since last year, Who told you that?" I dont know if he's telling the truth or not. But something in me is saying he is.

"Zayn." I bluntly say.

"Oh, look Morgan, i don't want you around Zayn anymore, he tried to kill me last night, he put something in my drink, please Morgan you have to believe me." I don't answer i just stand here with tears in my eyes.

"Baby, please" He says and there's tears spilling out his eyes. I was going to answer until Niall comes in, he looks angry and hurt at the same time. He runs up to Harry and punches him left and right, Harry doesn't fight back. I yell stop, Niall looks up and comes running to me. He puts a hand up and i flinch.

"Niall please dont." I whine.

"How dare you put up with him! How can you do it?! Don't you understand the person he is?! He's raped he's murdered, he does drugs he had sex with a girl while he was with you why why why, would you still want to be with him?! Why not be with me Morgan? I mean i love you, i want to be with you. Please."Niall says and im speechless, i dont know what to do. So i take a deep breath, i grab my already packed suitcase and leave. I grab my stuff and leave. I look at harry once more before i leave, i help him up he opens his mouth but i close it with a kiss.

"When the truth comes out and both of you can make the fuck up then love will show you the way to me, for now im leaving. Im sick of the drama, i cant do it. Good bye, I love you both but im not doing this anymore." I say and leave, i call a taxi i tell him the airport. Until i start thinking, about Avery. I tell him to go to there hotel instead. We arrive at the hotel i get out and ask the woman her room number. I go up the elevator and into her hallway. Im by her door i knock on her door, she opens it with a baby on her hip and she looks so terrible, so miserable i miss her. She looks at me for a second and i look at her.


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