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I sat down while Niall explained to the doctor on what happened. I could really care less about Avery, but shes Morgans best friend so i sort of have to care.

Speaking of Morgan where the fuck is she? And why every time i ask were she is, nobody answers they just look around and continue there day, like i didn't say shit.

The doctor finally left, he gave Avery some sort of shot i guess to relax her, she fell asleep within minutes.

Now its just basically me and Niall in here with a sleeping girl. Niall pulls a seat up next to Avery and holds her hand while she sleeps.

"Niall.." I breath

"Yeah man?"

"Look im going to ask you one more time in a calm way. Where the fuck is Morgan?" I say harshly

"Ha wow what a calm way, Id hate to see the non calm side." He joked, I wouldve laughed but right now i was pissed.

"Niall Im fucking serious! The last time i saw her i hurt her, She was screaming about her mum dying and he dad being a coward? Something like that? So where is she?" I ask

" Look Harry i dont know the full story if you want it all you have to ask Avery. But lad she left." He said and my heart burned into a million pieces.

"Wh- What do you mean she left?" I say trying to control my anger and tears.

"I dont know lad but she got a phone call from her mum and she took off back to New York." He said. Her mum called her and she just took off?? There has to be more to this than just that? Right?

"What did her mum say?" I ask

"I dont know? But i heard Avery and Morgan talking, i heard her mums in the hospital, Shes not doing good Harry, I think her mum is going to die." He said looking at me with sympathetic eyes. Even though he doesnt mean it to me the sympathy it still hurts.

"Shes going to die?" I ask stupidly

"Yeah." he said more like a whisper.

"And Morgan? How is she taking this whole Avery thing?" I ask

"Well Harry, she doesnt know about any of this. She doesnt even know Avery had a miscarriage." He says and i look up at him with shock completely in my face.

" Oh." Was all I could manage to say.



We've been sitting here for 5 hours waiting for Avery to come out of the operation room. Harry spent half those hours in the cafeteria.

I go on twitter to post something. I post,

Please pray for the love i hopefully wont lose.... :(

I post it and seconds later i already got 50 thousand retweets and favorites. Damn.

I look at everybody who retweeted or favorite my post. I saw ever girl on the earth but except one. Minutes later i have a DM. Hopefully its from the girl Jackie i believe her name is. As i look i was right. It read.

Im sorry i will be keeping her in my prayers! But if you dont mind me asking whos the lucky girl?

I silently laugh to my self no matter what im going through she always seems to get me to laugh. I reply with.

Thank you so much lassie! And i don't mind. Her name is Avery she had a miscarriage and now shes in surgery. :(

Minutes later she replies with.

Oh im terribly sorry. May God be with her. But one question if she had a miscarriage why is she in surgery?

Because she threw up blood and she hasn't ate in 3 days, and when she threw up a little fetus i guess we can call it came out....

Oh my God!! I didnt know that was possible did it look like you yet? or did it look more like her?

I laugh a little I bet shes being serious but i find it funny.

Haha i dont know, Iguess it looked all squishy and pink but it was as small as my pinky nail. It had everything but one arm.

Oh okay. Im sorry... I hope you too get better and when you get another chance... ;) I think you know what to do :)

Lol, thanks you just made my day a whole lot better c:

Oh really? I cant believe i made the Niall Horans day!!! ;)

I laugh silently. I know shes a fan but she thinks of me like a normal person not a famous person. I smile to myself.

lol so you said you live in vegas?

yaasss!! lol I do actually why?

Well, Since im coming out if you dont freak out on me and my lads maybe we could come and hang out?


Lol idk if i should take that sarcastically or be worried to come now?

Haha sorry you said not to freak so i had to do just that! XD but yeah id like that actually. And i wnt freak out tbh.

Okay good, now where do you live?

Sorry celebrity or not i dont just give that out to anybody.

Okay so how do i meet you?

Ill go to your concert and then idk ill meet you at the signing thing?

Okay sounds good! But wait how will ik its you??

Lol trust me you will know my mom is a big ass fan of yours okay? So ill just have her scream out Niall super loud and say HIIIII ITSS ME JACKIE AND HER MOM MARTHA!!!!! and you know sort of have a little screaming moments xD

Haha! Okay las sounds good! cant wait!

:) Oh and we have some talking to do about that bruno mars concert dont say anything not just yet lol

Okay. :)

I reply and before i knew it ive been talking to her for about 3 hours now. Avery is finally out of the operating room, shes sound asleep now.

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