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"Zayn!!" The interview lady screams my name and hugs me. I smile and hug her back.

"Ello, Ellen."

"How have you been?" Ellen asks.

"Im actually doing quite find."

"Mm well that good, so tell me? How do you feel about harry and Niall's death?" She asks and I fake a sad face. Well Niall I'm depressed over but Harry not so much.

"Well, they were both good people and I loved them both, Its just super hard for me." I say and tears pour down my face as I think of Niall that wasn't apart of my plan but I wasn't the one killed him either. She gives me sympathy smile.

"Im terribly sorry Zayn, and to all those directioners out there, just remember their in a better place." Ellen says. Everybody in the crowd is silent, all you hear is sniffs.

"How are you getting threw this?" Ellen asks.

"Well, I got my beautiful girlfriend with me, Perrie has helped me threw a lot I don't think I could get threw on my own." I say and the crowd awhs.

"Well thanks Zayn for being here, thats all the time we have." She smiles I stand up she hugs me and I hug her say goodbye to the crowd and leave. I get a cab and go home, I get home Perrie isn't here. I ignore it because she's probably at work, I go into the kitchen make a quesadilla, then I get a phone call.

"Erm Ello?" I answer the weird number.

"Erm, Zayn." Perrie says.

"Perrie??! Where are you???"

"In the jail house." She starts crying.

"Baby its okay Im coming don't say anything! You have the right to remain silent." I say hoping she doesn't say anything. I hang up jump into my car drive down to the Jail house. I rush inside the jail house, I sign the papers and they bring Perrie out.

"Zayn!" She cries and runs to me. I open my arms and embraced her. I kissed her to the point of making out. She giggles.

"Lets go home." I whisper in her ear. She nods with a big smile on her face. We get inside my car.

"So, how are you doing?" She asks.

"Better than ever." I say.

"So your going solo?"

"Yeah I am."

"Your not even sad about Niall?" She says and my heart sinks.

"Yeah I am, he wasn't apart of my plan." I say she leans over the middle console and kisses me. I get hard she hops over her seat onto my lap and starts rocking her hips on me. I moan. She smiles, I take us both out the car Im carrying her bridal style we get to our room, I open the door. There's a girl sitting on the couch. I put Perrie down and tell her to go to the other room.

"Where's Harry?" She said sternly.

"Ha, Don't you see he's not here, He's dead." I say and I can see her mouth drop and sobs fall, I feel bad for her she wasn't apart of the plan either, her small cries turn into sobs, I run over to her and catch her before she falls from shock. She sobs into my chest and my heart aches for her. I know what's coming next angry, she's going to be angry and try to hurt me.

"I hate you!" She yells and tried to push me back, She punches me I let her hit me punch me whatever she wants to do I let her. She punches my chest left and right but not hard. She goes to hit me again and she hits me harder and harder she goes to hit me again but I grab her wrist, she hisses like I hurt her.

"Morgan, I'm sorry." I say.

"Why did you kill him!? And and Niall! Why did you kill him!?!? And why did you kill MY BEST FRIEND AND MY NEPHEW!!" She screams. Before I know it I hear a gun go off like 20 times a machine gun, I run into the room Perries in, Perries on the floor dead.

"No. No. NO!!" I yell. Morgan runs into the room. She sobs even more, why is she sobbing??

"Why are you crying! Didn't you do this??!!!" I yell she shakes her head no. I sit there look at my dead beautiful girlfriend, I sob I lay down on her and just cry.

"I will always love you." I whisper. Morgan looks at me with tears spilling out her eyes, I stand up she stands up gets a sheet and covers Perrie, she gets all the roses plucks them off and sprinkle them on the

sheet. She stands up and comes over to me and hugs me. I hug her back then I start sobbing. She rubs my back and whispers its going to be okay.

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