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"Well, just because." Morgan nervously answered Niall and his annoying ass questions, he sighed and left to the room, I fell kinda bad but he will be okay. I look at Morgan who has her head down, but she looks beautiful, she then looks up at me and when she notices I'm staring her down she blushes.

"Am I getting a rang check?" I ask and she chuckles, shaking her head no.

"Good shall we?" I ask while holding my arm out so she can put her arm through the hoop in my arm and she does and I want her too, with a big smile on her face. We get inside the elevator and I'm praying that nobody comes onto the elevator.

"So sorry about Niall." I start.

"No its alright, I mean he's hurt its cool." She says.

"That's good." We get to the 2nd floor and the doors open, which my prayers were sadly not answered.

"Oh my God, can I get a picture?" The girl asks. I fake smile and nod my head only one more floor Harry only one more floor I tell myself. I took three pictures with her and signed the back of her phone, she thanked me and we left after the elevator opened. I look over at Morgan and fell bad.

"Hey sorry about that." I say and she gives me a crazy look as saying 'seriously?'

"Why are you sorry? I mean its okay I understand your famous so just relax Harry." She says and it calms my nerves that she feels that way.

"Thanks." I say and we link our arms back together.

"So tell me? What does the all ms famous Harry Styles have in store for our little hang out." She asks. I chuckle a little at her sarcasm.

"Well, lets see I arranged an appointment for us to swim with sharks then ill leave you for the food." I say and her face is pale as ever and I laugh so hard, I've never laughed this hard before everything.

"Your an ass you know that right?" She says with smile on her face.

"Haha." I laugh.

"No but seriously what do you have planned?" She asks again.

"Well, I want to go to the fair but tonight when the lights are out since its seven and the sun is barely setting I want to go to the beach." I say proudly. She nods and we head to the beach. We get to the beach set up our stuff, Morgan brought a towel and I forgot mine.

"Here." She says while handing me just what I needed.

"Thanks how'd you know?" I ask.

"Your a guy your bound to forget something." She says blandly. Then she smirks and hands me the sunscreen which I did forget.

"Okay whatever." I say with a smile on my face and grab the sunblock. I take off my shirt and I catch Morgan staring at me from the corner of my eye, I smirk and rub the sunblock all over me.

"While you just sitting there watching me can you help me put some on my back?" I ask and she blushes, she tends to do that a lot its sorta cute. She stands up and puts it all over my back, she then uncovers herself and now she's in her bikini, which actually I'm not even going to think about that right now. No perv thoughts. She put sunblock on to then I offered to put some on her back but she shook her head no. Then out of no where a guy with a big camera went all in Morgans face while she just ignored him I walked all the way up to Morgan.

"Can you leave please?" I ask trying to be nice for publicity reasons.

"Harry just answer a phew questions, is this your girlfriend?" He says.

"Girlfriend?" Morgan says with shock in her face, I look at her and give her a look as in ' Don't worry just don't say anything' look she nods and continues, but the pap won't go away.  Now my temper is out, Morgan I guess now sees it.

"Harry come on ignore him please." She whispers while taking my arm in her grip, I fell a weird warmth in me when she does. We both walk away ignoring this dick behind us.

"So you two are sex buddies." He says more like a fact. And I lose it.

"Really? Get the fuck away from us!" I yell pushing him, I cant stand paps at all. They always get what they want from me. Morgan then comes in front of me takes my hand I think it surprised her more than it did me, but she intertwined pur fingers and lead me the other way. The guy finally left. We go and sit by the water the waves comes up and I take a little water and splash it on her only to get a smile then a hiss from her.

"What's wrong?" I ask she shook her head nothing. I then grabbed her hand and looked at all her bracelets, in between I saw a little scar she noticed and pulled away. I push my eyebrows together.

"What was that?" I ask and she shook her head again nothing. When she wasn't looking I quickly grabbed her hand although I know I will regret this I have to know and see, I rip her bracelets off only to reveal deep cuts.

"What the hell is this?" I ask and she looks terrified that I found out. She shook her head again for nothing.

"No don't tell me nothing what is this?" I ask.

"Tell me, ill tell you something about me if you tell me what and why you do this? Deal?" I asked she thought about it then shook her head yes.

"Okay, two years ago I use to do drugs and help sale them until one day it went to far." I said and her eyes went big.

"Now I believe you owe me a secret." I say and I can tell its hard, I squeeze her hand reassuring her.

"I cut my self."

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