Wedding day

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I'm so excited for today, our wedding day. I wish my best friend could be here and a little part of me wishes I could be marrying Harry. I love Zayn with all my heart but there will always be a place for Harry, Zayn I know he feels the same about Perrie. We still love each other to death, hopefully we won't get that far til way later in our lives. I picked a beautiful wedding dress, Off white

Sweethearts neckline, Slightly pleated bodice with rhinestone belt Ball gown, Small rhinestone details on skirt of dress Single layer of chiffon on the top, in a pickup design. I think its beautiful and I hope Zayn likes it too. My make up is done differently but pretty, my hair I dip dyed it a dark purple. Its new and cute, I then got a tattoo of Harry's and I's initials on my wrist, in a heart. Zayn has a tattoo of perrie on his arm so he was fine with it. I hear the music playing, I have a bunch of butterflies in my tummy. Zayn's mom runs back here to me.

"Oh my! Well don't you just swell." She says. I smile.

"Haha thank you, I wish I felt swell. I have butterflies all in my stomach." I say and she laughs.

"Well maybe you shouldn't of ate all those butterflies." She jokes. I smile and laugh. She takes my hand and we walk out, we get to the ceremony, and its just beyond gorgeous,

There's flowers everywhere, my favorite Penelope flowers. There so beautiful, I look down the aisle and see Zayn he's blushing he looks nervous, I look at him when he sees me his eyes go wide and he grows a smile. I blush but smile, the music begins Zayn's mom leaves and Averys dad comes and walks me down the aisle, the whole time my eyes are on Zayn he looks so handsome. We get to the end of the Aisle my dad hugs me, kisses my forehead then sits down. I look at Zayn and he mouths 'you look so beautiful' I smile and mouth 'thank you i know.' He shakes his head a laughs silently.

" Friends and Family of the BRIDE and GROOM, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day.

We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between BRIDE and GROOM, by joining them in marriage.All of us need and desire to love and to be loved.And the highest form of love between two people is within a monogamous, committed relationship.Morgan and Zayn, your marriage today is the public and legal joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts.Marriage will allow you a new environment to share your lives together, standing together to face life and the world, hand-in-hand. Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another.To be successful, you will need strength, courage, patience and a really good sense of humor.So, let your marriage be a time of waking each morning and falling in love with each other all over again. Now do you Zayn take Morgan to be your wife, to love and to hold threw sickness and in health, threw rich or poor." The priest finally finishes.

"I do." He says with no hesitation.

"Now do you Morgan take Zayn to be your husband through sickness and health, through rich or poor." He says, I take a deep breath look at the floor then back to Zayn. I smile.

"I do." I say. All you hear is sniffs here and there.

"Now do you have any vows for one another?" He says we both nod our head. Zayn starts.

"Morgan." He says and grabs my hands.

"Morgan, I know when we first met we weren't the best of friends, and I know when we met you and me both had no idea it would be you and me that fell in love, I thought I would be with Perrie for ever and ever and you thought you would be with Harry forever and ever. Things change people change, things happen and some people just want to say that their sorry for everything, I didn't know I would fall so hard for you, Morgan I love you and everything about you I actually wouldn't change a thing about how this summer and maybe even passed the summer has went, I love you with all my heart you are the most beautifulest girl i've ever seen, We have had out ups and down our wrong from rights, but here right now with you is just perfect. Now were one, Morgan Malik, yeah I like the sound of that." He says and I'm full of tears. I clear my throat and begin.

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