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Me and Avery are in the bathroom she's doing my hair while I sit here and try to wipe my tears.

"Morgan don't cry.. Give it time.. Okay i know you too will be there." Avery says trying to cheer me up.

"I don't know Avery.. Its different.. I mean I see the way Niall looks at you Harry never looks at me that way.." I say with tears pouring down my face.

"Aw morgan.. Okay stop! Because he likes you, you two are a perfect couple so shut the fuck up Morgan.." Avery says harshly. Dang.. What did I say?

"Avery what the hell is your problem?" I say a little taken back.

"Look all im saying is don't fucking push shit if Harrys not ready to say that.. that's probably just because he's scared or doesn't feel that way yet... You need to calm down because he might just get rid of your stupid ass because your crying over not saying I love you." She says harshly.

I pull away from her grip on my hair. I look at her with that 'Are you fucking kidding me?' look.

"What?" She says takin back.

"Are you serious? Who the hell are you? You are definitely not my best friend!!! Your an asshole that's what you are! How dare you say that! And you know what speaking of this shit where the hell are your so called twins? You fucking lied to everybody that you were having twins!? But you even got Niall sucked up in your fucking lie!" I say taking a deep breath at the end.

Her face drops as I mention the twins. Why?

"I know I didnt tell you I wasn't going to either... My second baby died and only one lived at was at the hospital for two months... while you and Harry were having sex I was practically dying." She says while rolling her eyes.

"Seriously?? I wasnt having sex my mother died and im was going through some pretty deep fucking depression why would you not tell me that!!? I thought we were best friends? I though after this cali trip we were going back to New York to go to college... What happened to that??" I say hold back my tears.

"Yeah really? So your just going to diss Harry?? First your crying on how his ass isnt in love with you and now this?? And im not going to college with you.. I never was... Why would I? Im staying here with Niall and Art Footballatifah Horan." She says... God I cant believe that name she named Art poor little baby...

I just huffed and stormed out the bathroom.. I went into Mine and Harrys room.

"You know you little bitch back there has some words I hope you too are fucking happy! I dont want to see that bitch ever again take her ass to fucking everywhere wheres there money! Because the chick you call your girl is going to dump your ass one day when you dont buy her something she wants! Shes always been like that!! I bet you her last man didnt even do shit to her she just left his sorry ass for a richer man!! Im done with her we are not best friends." I yell with tears at my eyes.

Harry comes over to me and hugs me I cry into his shirt.

"Well what the fuck happened??" He asks me.

"I dont know go ask your baby."

"Whoa babe calm down.." Harry says to me.

I whisper in his ear that I want them to leave. Footballatifah starts crying.. Im going to miss him to but his mom is to busy being a fucking skank..

"Look lad im sorry.. You know we well always be lads I will visit but I dont know if Avery will come.. Sorry Lad. But Bros before whoe- ladies." Niall says while hugging Harry goodbye.

I go into the room and lay down.. Im to tired to go anywhere what an amazing anniversary..

I feel a drop in the bed and open my eyes I see a concerned Harry starring at me.


I explained everything that happened. Harrys been cuddling with me the whole time.. I just want to call Avery back and tell her im sorry and be friends again. This time it isnt my fault and im not taking the blame.. I will miss her if we continue like this.. But what I am going to do?

I look up at Harry who pecks me on the lips, the pecking turns into making out.

He pulls away for a minute. He looks like he's deciding something.

"Sorry our anniversary got fucked up..." He says.

"It didnt.. Tonight here with you holding me was just perfect.. I dont need fancy shit all the time I just want this all the time." I say and he smiles.

That look pops up on his face again but goes away quickly.

"Whats wrong baby?" I ask.


"Come on baby" I say practically begging.

He smiles and picks me up we start making out. I slowly take off his shirt and he does the same to me. Im in my bra and panties he's just in boxers.

Im straddling his waist and grinding slowly on him I hear moans from his mouth. He stops me and I panic. We sit here just staring at each other. Then Harry breaks the silence.

"I love you."













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