Chapter 3

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Emily Scamander was fidgeting with her quill as she sat at her desk in her first Transfiguration class.

Her father had given her that quill from one of his Fwooper's fallen feathers. It was a bright shade of pink and orange and she adored it with all her heart.

Part of the reason she loved it so much was that it reminded her of memories in the case.

Feeding the creatures, playing with the Niffler, helping Dougal babysit the Occamys, watching her parents laugh and joke around as their worries about Grindelwald and the upcoming war flew free from their minds.

Time spent in the case was when she and her family were the happiest.

The door opened with a bang, startling the first year Gryffindor students.

Albus Dumbledore walked in with a cheerful crooked smile and his half moon spectacles placed firmly on his long nose. His blue eyes twinkled as he stood at the front staring at the eager eyed pupils ready to learn and thrive.

"Welcome to your very first transfiguration class," he said kindly, "Our first lesson will be transfiguring an ordinary match into a silver needle."

He pulled out a short, thin match from the box on his desk, waved his wand and the class erupted in oohs and aahs as the match became shiny and pointy.

One of the boys with sandy blonde hair was whispering to his friend at the back, Dumbledore flicked his eyes to the boy and called out "You, over there. Mr Scrimger, Yes you, would you mind passing out these matches to everyone in the class please?" The boy blushed and walked over to grab the box in Dumbledore's hands.

He went row by row handing out matches while Dumbledore explained the rules of proper transfiguration and appropriate wand movements.

When the boy sat down everyone had a match.

Well, everyone except Emily for some reason.

Biting her lip nervously, she slowly rose her hand to ask for one when Dumbledore said out of the blue, "Just a moment Mr Scrimger, there's still one match left, seems you forgot someone. You do know I will have to take points off for not being able to count."

The class laughed and the boy jumped out of his seat and gave the last match to Emily, "Thank you." she said shyly as he ran back to his seat.

Dumbledore grinned, "Alright now, raise your wands and repeat after me..."


"Tea Clara?"

"Oh, no thank you Queenie. I'm quite full actually."

Queenie Kowalski poured herself a cup and sat down on the couch across from her house guest (and sister's sister in law) Clara Scamander.

After the wedding and announcement of child, Clara and Queenie had become very dear friends.

"How's the pregnancy going?" she asked taking a sip of tea, Clara smiled and rubbed her ever growing bump "Things have been going pretty smoothly, I felt the baby kick just yesterday."

"Oh how exciting! How did Theseus react?"

"He- oh good morning Tina!" Cara waved as Tina Scamander walked in yawning.

"Morning Clara, Queenie. Mind if I take one of those?" she grabbed two biscuits they had set out and plopped on the couch munching contently and peacefully.

"How are you and Newt dealing with Emily being away?" Clara asked curiously taking a biscuit for herself.

"They're heading over to hogwarts today- really Teenie you two couldn't even last a day?!"

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