Chapter 6

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Dear Emily,

Hello darling how are you! Just so you know this is your grandmother Hazel speaking. Well not speaking directly as in I am using my mouth but through quill, ink and parchment.

Things have been going swell at home, I managed to knit a pair of wonderful blue socks for you last night! When you come home they're going straight on you feet!

My dearest congratulations on getting into Gryffindor Emily! I'm so proud! You know your Uncle Theseus was a Gryffindor and so was your mother (well she would have been if she had gone to Hogwarts I am sure of it) Hope everything is going great at school and you are making lots of new friends! Did the flashcards help?

I do hope they are feeding you well there, so I sent both you and Jaime some apple strudel your Aunt Queenie and I made yesterday just in case.

Lots of love,

Grandma Hazel

P.s Don't worry if your not making friends that fast, great friendship takes time. Besides you're amazing Em! Who wouldn't want to be friends with the greatest person in the world?

Emily smiled greatly as she read over her grandmother's letter for the second time that morning. 

Her grandma always had a way with words that made her laugh.

 It was quiet in the Gryffindor common room, all the other kids had gone over to watch the first Quidditch match of the season. Emily... she wasn't really into wizarding sports. She much preferred common Muggle sports like baseball, and football. 

In the summer her family would go out, have a picnic with her grandmother's famous Scamander Sandwiches, her Uncle Jacob's Niffler pastries, and play football until the sun went down and everyone had enough sandwiches and Nifflers.

A loud cheer erupted from outside, sounds like the Gryffindors had scored another goal. 

Emily sighed, put away her grandmother's letter, gathered her quill, ink, parchment, books and headed out to the library to do some homework.



Hazel yelled running (more like flying at the speed she was going at) from the kitchen to the dining room table where Theseus and Clara were sitting. Henry was right across from them solving a crossword puzzle in the Daily Prophet issue he had in his hands. 

They all jumped back when Hazel shot out of the kitchen carrying a 4 foot layer green coloured flower cake. 

"Dear god mother!" Theseus exclaimed shocked at the sight, "What the hell is that?!"

"Tsk tsk language son." Hazel scowled wagging her finger in his direction

 "Now this, is my own creation! A 4 foot tall layer pickle double decker cake with chocolate pudding on the inside and crushed hazelnuts sprinkled on top!" she exclaimed proudly 

"For Clara's pregnancy craving of course." she said winking at the bamboozled witch.

 As for Clara, her mouth was hanging open along with a bit of drool making its way out. "Oh Hazel..." she sniffed eyes beginning to water "It-Its.... Beautiful!!!!" she sobbed clinging to her husband's shirt and wiping her tears on her white lace handkerchief. 

Theseus patted her on the back, "There there Clara shhh, it's alright it's alright now." he comforted his weeping wife.

 He turned to his parents "Pregnancy hormones, she can't seem to stop crying at everything." 

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